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Hello from So Florida

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Wife said she felt we needed a camera system so not being satisfied with an out of the box system I decided to start ordering some parts and doing it myself. 2 Acti 1231, 2 CNB VBM-24VF. Building my own DVR. Various other stuff on the way. Neighbor who does phone systems and has done some camera systems will be doing the wiring (he will be paid his normal rates).

I won’t be posting any helpful replies since I don’t know what I’m doing. I know I’ll be posting some questions hope they are not simple ones like where do I plug it in.


Please be gentle


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Wow, you jumped right in! Before you order... if it's not too late... can you tell us why you selected these cameras?

To be able to use both sets of these cameras, you are going to need a hybrid DVR. These allow you to record IP cameras (ACTi) and analog cameras (CNB). Have you considered DVR? There's lots to choose from. I'd recommend Avermedia, and no I'm not pushing any agenda... I've worked with numerous systems over the years and I just really like their hardware/ software.

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