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I was wondering if anyone knows where to get manuals for Sony Time Lapse VCRs. I need to look up an error code and can't seem to find the manual for the particular model in question. I need a manual for an SVT-3050 to look up error code ERO125.


If anyone can help it would be appreciated. I have searched a bit on the internet and can't seem to find much except other products that are compatible with that vcr so it returns results for the SVT-3050. If anyone knows maybe if Sony has a different website for their cctv products, as I didn't find anything by searching from their main site.





Through one of my companies' video suppliers I got a phone number for Sony's Security products support. 18008836817 and they emailed me the manual I needed, but just in case someone needs this kind of info again, there is the number for it! BTW the manual just says for all error codes that there is a problem with your unit and to please contact your sony dealer.

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Thanks Data!


Well according to that chart, the takeup reel doesn't operate.

His VCR gets sent to the repair shop for some ungodly amount of money to fix, since the salesman can't get him to upgrade. LOL

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We still have customers that use VCR's and they keep paying to fix. They could have bought 100 DVR's for what they charge to repair. Most of ours are the US Post Office Distribution Centers.

Edited by Guest

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dude whats a DCR?? I want one of them they sound cool ..

Last time i checked the casino down here still uses VCRs, and a ton of them at that..!

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