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Swann PC DVR-4-Net. Cant play files 32Mb in size in Windows

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I have a Swann USB PC DVR-4-Net with 4 cameras that records motion clips to the hard drive. The files play in Windows Media player fine, but if the file length of the clip is precisely 32Mb in size I get an error from Windows Media Player. I get the same result after replacing the PC USB card, and changing the laptop running Windows XP and Windows 7.




Also any 32Mb sized clip cannot be seen as a thumbnail in Windows. (XP pro and Win7)




I get the same result after replacing the PC USB card, and changing the laptop running Windows XP and Windows 7. Swann tech support cannot resolve it.


I am currently running the system on a 3rd computer, a desktop also running Windows XP Pro.



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perhaps install the K-lite codec pack and see if that fixes it.

Choose not to install the Media Player Classic though, use custom setup for that, set or keep the default player to Windows Media Player. This may even resolve the thumbnails issue, as it has the Haali Media Splitter included which has an option in its configuration to use its thumbnail extraction for explorer instead of the default Windows one - not sure if it runs on Win 7 but It does work on XP.



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The K-lite codec pack and irfan viewer didnt work.


Interestingly if I exit the PC software the video file currently being recorded is closed and becomes viewable in WMP. The 32Mb files return an error saying they are currupt (irfan included) regardless what player is being used to view them.


I'll explore a way to automatically terminate the restart the application in ordert to prevent files reaching 32Mb in suze which I think is 1 hour of video.


I am otherwise still open for suggestions, and thank you to trhose who have already put forward comments.

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THis post is for informationn only.


We cracked the 32Mb dead file problem.


If the PC shuts down or power is lost to the PC without closing the DVR-4-NET application, the file it has open becomes corrupted and recorded footage is lost.


The fix: Close the DVR-4-NET application before shutting down the PC and that allows the application to complete the video file it has open.

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