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GV-650 vs GV-800

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OK, I was shopping on eBay for a GV-650 and the cheapest one I could find was $250. Then I stumbled across this listing:



Now, I don't know anything about CCTV, but either the GV-800 is a piece of junk or that really is the best deal in town. I'm trying to figure out why



GV-650 (60fps & 4 inputs) $250

GV-800 (120fps & 16 inputs) 159???


I don't get it???

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Simple, its flea bay so its either fake, stolen, or used.

Id lean towards fake with hacked drivers, software on white labelled optical disk, and photocopied booklet.

Considering though it claims it comes with 8.3.4 it is more likely to be a scam.


If you really want to take a gamble, please try the CNB 16 channel card for us, its about the same price at a legit online store, and same specs as the GV-800. Ive used the CNB remote video CMS and it is good, so I was hoping their DVR card would at least be stable, no need for Geovision features for most clients. Id rather someone in the US try it first though as it takes longer and more money to get it shipped down to here.

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Average cost of a GV-800-16 at dealer cost is over $600.

There is absolutely no way that card is a brand new GV-800-16 card, or at least legit.

Also if you buy from Ebay you get no Geovision manufacturer warranty.


I mentioned CNB as an alternative as they have legit cards with non hacked software and drivers for the same price as that listing, which cards are the same specs, 120-120 16 channels.


The DVR card comes with pigtails for the BNC, each pigtail has 8 channels.

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Cant really until you buy them and get them in your hands.

Typically though clones dont have the latest software, which is why I mentioned 2nd hand, stolen or a scam - although it might not even come with 8.3.4, the picture is probably not even what they look like either. Clones typically have a photocopied leaflet of the instructions for the card, and a blank cardboard box, not the nice "pretty" one by Geovision. Also they would have a regular DVD or CD, with a standard white label anyone can buy in the store and print out the software type on it. At least thats the ones Ive seen photos of before, someone here even bought one from a US distributor not knowing it was a clone until I told them, needless to say it never worked properly and eventually went in the trash.


Unless that seller just bought a load of them and is loosing on the sale just to get them off their hands, I just dont see how they can be brand new for that cost. Surely the authorized distributors dont have a $400-$500+ markup on their cards which is the approx diff between this price and theirs .. least I hope not But basically in the Geovision crowd we know most cards on Ebay are clones. Even Geo themselves make a note of that on their anti-piracy page. Some hong kong resellers come on the forum and post their links to their site (which are removed) which have these Geovision clone cards .. its the standard going price for a clone GV-800-16. Also that seems like its not a store selling it, but rather just a person?


Hey if even remotely thought they were legit cards I would buy 10 of them right now

I dont even need the warranty .. not down here.

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Also that guy has 100% feedback and has sold 6 of them with no complaints. If they were fakes wouldn't people get mad?

They would if they new the difference. Most people don't. They get the card, then plug it in, they install the hacked drivers to make it work with the legit software, and it putters happily along for them recording their two or three cheap cameras.


If there are crashes or conflicts, they probably assume they've done something wrong, or that their Windows installation is screwed up (and spend hours running virus and malware scans), or figure they have some failing hardware...


Then they'll post on a site like techguy.org asking about the crashes and be put through the rigmarole of posting HJT logs and crash dumps and have smart techs scratching their heads over what's wrong with the system, because nobody outside the CCTV industry actually stops to consider that it might be a hacked card that's causing the problem...

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Also that guy has 100% feedback and has sold 6 of them with no complaints. If they were fakes wouldn't people get mad?

They would if they new the difference. Most people don't. They get the card, then plug it in, they install the hacked drivers to make it work with the legit software, and it putters happily along for them recording their two or three cheap cameras.


If there are crashes or conflicts, they probably assume they've done something wrong, or that their Windows installation is screwed up (and spend hours running virus and malware scans), or figure they have some failing hardware...


Then they'll post on a site like techguy.org asking about the crashes and be put through the rigmarole of posting HJT logs and crash dumps and have smart techs scratching their heads over what's wrong with the system, because nobody outside the CCTV industry actually stops to consider that it might be a hacked card that's causing the problem...




Dude, you know your ****!

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Dude, you know your ****!

I was in IT for 15 years before I got into CCTV, I've seen all this many, many times

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