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CCTV Cameras Grainy Picture

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We have about 12 Bosch CCTV cameras, and the picture quality is pretty bad. If I view a full pic of one of the cameras the picture is very grainy, if I put it to a 4 view the picture becomes a lot clearer to see.


My setup: Bosch CCTV cameras using NetVu Digital Sprite 2.. Any ideas on how to clean up my pics?

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Hard to say, without actually seeing the pictures, but offhand, "grainy-ness" is usually a result of too little light. If the cameras have manual-iris lenses, try opening up the iris more. If they have auto-iris lenses (with a wire connecting the lens to the camera body), look for a "DC level" or "Iris" adjustment and dial it up a bit. If the cameras have some sort of "gain" settings, try reducing that, as it could be boosting the level excessively, which boosts grain and noise along with the picture.


Would probably help more to know the exact model of the cameras...

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We have about 12 Bosch CCTV cameras, and the picture quality is pretty bad. If I view a full pic of one of the cameras the picture is very grainy, if I put it to a 4 view the picture becomes a lot clearer to see.


My setup: Bosch CCTV cameras using NetVu Digital Sprite 2.. Any ideas on how to clean up my pics?



have you just installed your Dedicated Micros or is this something that has happend in time.

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Sounds more like a DVR problem if the cameras clear up on quad view. The only true way to test the cameras clarity is to connect the cameras one by one directly into the monitor. If it shows up clear, than can be assured that it is your DVR causing the problems.


Also, are the pictures grainy during live viewing or just playback?

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Yes they are grainy all replay as well. I tried playing with the Contrast and Color but nothing made it clear - What should I check on the DVR?

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Did you try hooking the cameras up directly to the monitor and bypassing the DVR totally to see if its a DVR problem or a Camera problem? If not, you should and try to see what the culprit is.


If its the DVR, it may just be a ghetto DVR. Do you have the DVR model? We have had some DVR's that just completely wash out the picture and make them very grainy looking. It may just be a bad video processor in the DVR. But I would try to hook the cameras directly up to the monitor to see if its the cameras first.


You can also try resetting the DVR back to factory default to see if that clears it up a little.

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Did you try hooking the cameras up directly to the monitor and bypassing the DVR totally to see if its a DVR problem or a Camera problem? If not, you should and try to see what the culprit is.

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