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Camera Suggestion Help...

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So, I have been having some trouble with my neighbors on one side of my house. They keep calling the police and saying my dogs are barking for obscene amounts of time. The truth is, they never bark for more than a couple minutes before we let them inside. The police have investigated and found we are well within the law, they are exaggerating and basically being ridiculous. Naturally this pissed them off even more. I am looking to some cameras not only for video proof that they are not barking as much as they say they are, as well as protecting my dogs and family from anything that may happen.


That being said, I am looking for a fairly basic system that I can use to see my dogs whenever they are outside (they only spend long amounts of time during the day when its nice out, they are inside dogs). I plan on getting a microphone to record any barking and/or yelling from the neighbors. Here are some pictures to show the area I am trying to cover.





The house is about 75' from the fence line. I have 2 90 watt motion floods located right next to the glass door (center of house) and a 100 watt motion light at the door on the left side (with the big dog door) that is located under the eave. The 100 watt by the dog door works great for any motion in that area. The 90 watt floods are motion as well, but they are not very reliable for movement. They light up the yard really well, but I don't want to leave them on all the time. The problem neighbors live on the right (bordering the black mulch)


I essentially want to be able to see my dogs in the back yard during the day and make sure nothing happens during the night. I was thinking one camera on the left side mounted under the eave to monitor the back dog door, but I also need it to be able to see all the way down the fence line (mostly during the day). I was thinking about a CNB VCM-24VF for this location as long as it will be able to see what I need to to. I know I will need another camera to cover the problem (right) side, but this one I am clueless about. I need to be able to see down the fence line and some decent visibility at night (not necessarily facial recognition, just see a person if they are there). Any suggestions on camera and mounting location? Obviously cheaper is better, but I know that I am not going to get a camera worth a crap for $20.


I am also looking for suggestions on a DVR too. I was looking at the Avtech AVC791A, but I am reading that there are better choices in that price range.


Thanks for any suggestions!

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