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Clarification question on CNB cameras.

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I have been reading through the forums and picking up a lot of good info, but I am having a hard time with a few things.



I am trying to tell the difference between these two cameras:



I think it has to do with the housing somehow, but I cant find a good answer.

I want a camera that can be mounted directly under an eave of a building. I do not want it to be on the "stalk". I want it mounted directly to the soffit. Which of those cameras is the most suited for that?



I am not able to find anything on the CNB website when I search for either of those cameras about. I can only find anything on a 21VF, but not a 24VF. Is there a reason why the 24VF's are not listed?



I see the lense is from a 2.8 to 10.5mm. How do you adjust the lense to get the angle you want? Is it a manual setting inside the housing? I am used to cameras that are either 3.5mm or 6mm lenses, and have never used a vari-focal lense. I would like to use the 2.8mm lense on a parking lot to get a wide angle, and a 6-10mm setting to aim at a doorway to capture more detail from faces.


Thank you for your assistance.

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I am trying to tell the difference between these two cameras:



I think it has to do with the housing somehow, but I cant find a good answer.

I want a camera that can be mounted directly under an eave of a building. I do not want it to be on the "stalk". I want it mounted directly to the soffit. Which of those cameras is the most suited for that?

Same exact camera, different housing. The VCM has an extra base so you make connections in that. If you are ceiling mounting the camera, then the VBM is fine as you can place the connections in the attic or ceiling, otherwise would need a separate gang box to place them in. Not sure about a soffit though.



I am not able to find anything on the CNB website when I search for either of those cameras about. I can only find anything on a 21VF, but not a 24VF. Is there a reason why the 24VF's are not listed?

Good question and I dont have an answer for that yet.

The CNB USA site still lists the 24VF. The 21VF is only 12VDC so that is of no use to me.



I see the lense is from a 2.8 to 10.5mm. How do you adjust the lense to get the angle you want? Is it a manual setting inside the housing? I am used to cameras that are either 3.5mm or 6mm lenses, and have never used a vari-focal lense. I would like to use the 2.8mm lense on a parking lot to get a wide angle, and a 6-10mm setting to aim at a doorway to capture more detail from faces.

The lens can be manually adjusted in that range, adjust zoom then focus. You will need to plug in a monitor to it to do this. If its just the widest FOV at 2.8mm then you can pre focus that in a controlled environment, if you want to zoom it in much more to say 10mm, best to do it at the location for best focus or setup something in the controlled environment at the same distance as the object to focus on. In most cases they will come pre focused from the factory to its widest FOV at 2.8mm. If they are not focused you would need to focus on the center of the image (I normally use a licence plate at 20' in my garage for example for a 2.8-4mm FOV), then make sure the edges are also focused by just moving the camera to the left and right to view the sharpness of the object you are focusing on - wide angles such as 2.8 can tend to be less focused on the edges, moreso on fixed board lenses though. Also test the focus in low light as well to be sure especially if you are going to need it for that application, although it is an IR lens and Ive had no real problem focus shift in low light with this camera, but sometimes you may not get it 100% focused and in the low light it can make a huge difference, also with Infrared.

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I have been reading through the forums and picking up a lot of good info, but I am having a hard time with a few things.



I am trying to tell the difference between these two cameras:



I think it has to do with the housing somehow, but I cant find a good answer.

I want a camera that can be mounted directly under an eave of a building. I do not want it to be on the "stalk". I want it mounted directly to the soffit. Which of those cameras is the most suited for that?

Rory has some pictures of a painted VBM housing in this post:



I posted some pictures of the VCM housing showing how it flush mounts vs. surface mount, in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=22339


There are some pics from CNB's site further down that page showing the VBM and VCM housings on wall-pendant mounts, where you can clearly see the difference in design. (Hmmm, someone should sticky this post).


Other than that, as Rory says, they're the same camera.



I am not able to find anything on the CNB website when I search for either of those cameras about. I can only find anything on a 21VF, but not a 24VF. Is there a reason why the 24VF's are not listed?


I've noticed that as well. When I need to find the listing, I just google "vcm-24vf" and the first link that comes up is the CNB USA product page: http://www.cnbusa.com/en/html/product/product.php?seqx_prod=1073

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