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Help with camera location at residential home

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Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me with a new system.

I dont have any existing system and am leaning towards an IP based setup with 4-5 cameras that works well in the dark. Our budget will be between $3,000-$5,000 for a 4-5 IP camera system. Ive looked at ACTi 7411 dome as well as the mobotix and really like the mobotix's dual dome. I figure I can put a dualdome on every corner of the house and position each camera at a 90 degree angle so it can cover 270 degrees. But It might be better to use the dualdome with a color and a black and white camera so I can see at nights. Not exactly sure what is generally covered. Are normal residential installs typically pointing to entrances? Like Camera positioned to look at the front door and camera positioned to look at the garage doors and a camera posited to look at the back door? Or do we position the cameras to look at the whole yard?

Id like a camera pointing at my garage doors so I can see if anyone is hiding be the doors, but if I place the camera above the middle garage, its hard to see who may be hiding. I think maybe if a place a wall mount on the chimey and point it down towards the 3 garages, it may work.

Also, for the front door, I figure I can position a camera on a wall mount on the side of the back corner of the 3rd garage towards the door. I peeked out of the door peep hole, but cannot see the corner of the garage. There is a wall by the entry blocking it. Also, would I need a camera right by the entry pointing down?

Im not sure how high the cameras should be mounted on my whole install.

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanska gain,



I am attaching my house layout.


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Why do you want to install cameras? Specifically, do you want to catch someone in the act of a crime, or do you want to identify a criminal hours after the crime has occurred?




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Its just for home security. We dont have much breakins around here, but Its a preventative measures. I hear about home invasions so would like to best prevent that by having security. We already have monitored home security with a security company, but no cameras. I am thinking most home invaders will skip a house with home security, especially cameras. Or am I wrong? I think no one in my neighborhood has any security cameras so I dont really want to make it look too crazy or else someone may think we have something to hide either. Thats why I was looking at dome cameras. I was leaning towards mobotix, but they look soooo obvious. I know they have dualdomes as well so that may be what I go with if ACTi 7411 will not work at low lights. I will also place one on top corner right above door. Not sure how high. On the chimney, It will extend out and face towards the 3 garage doors. BUt I think they can still hide between garages since the doors are resessed in about 1 1'2 ft. Also, by the back of garage, I may extend that corner camera out similar to the chimney so I can get a better angle of the front door. Right now, i cant see the corner thru the peep hole of the door because the side of the entry is in the way.


Here in red is where I was thinking for camera locations, but it might be overkill.




Thanks again,


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