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Show web pages on CCTV -- the other direction

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Looking for guidance, including which forum this should be in.


My facilities department wired much of the building for cable television using CAT 5 and RJ45 connections (basic Ethernet), with no Coax. Because there are many things we want to track on a daily basis (system up time, customer enrollments, etc.), I want to display this information via this local CCVT system. My plan is to have a web page created, and then our help desk technicians can use a content management system to make updates to the page as the metrics change. We can automate the updates in the future using web services.


So, how can I broadcast that web page to my CCTV? Assume I already have a web server in place, and am knowledgeable in DHCP and other network necessities.




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Myself, I would create the page in a way that it refreshes itself every 'x' seconds, or minutes.

Then I would find an old pc, anything capable of displaying a webpage. I wouldn't think it would have to be very powerful at all.


I'd use a video card with video out to go to your cctv system, and alternatively there are converters that will convert your vga output to composite video.


Good luck

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You realize that method won't be interactive; end users will only be able to see whatever the page is displaying at that moment. If you want users to be able to actually USE the pages, you need to either use PC-based DVR(s), or set up computers with browsers and remote clients for the DVR(s) (or DVR(s) with web-based remote access).

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Thanks, I do not want interactivity. I want to display informational data, which we'll periodically update via web service calls. We're calling it a "scoreboard", and we're showing company metrics and performance information. A web page gives me the flexibility of automated updates, as well as allowing associates to see it on their computers via the intranet if they desire. But we have the CCTV system, and I want to take advantage of it while avoiding installing computers and monitors at similar strategic locations.

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You could use something like an AverKey to take the VGA output of a computer and downsample it to composite, then feed that into a DVR input. Just set the machine to fire up in low res (800x600 is probably best), create a shortcut for your page link in the Startup folder, and set the browser to start in "Full Screen" or "Kiosk" mode... should work fine.

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