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Yet another remote login problem

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What can I say, networking is not my strong point . What would I do without the forum, I have learned and continue to learn so much.


So I got another DVR in today. Keep in mind that I have had a DVR hooked up to this same network in which I could access from a remote location just fine for several months.


So what I did was hooked up the DVR and got it running and all. I can access the DVR from the LAN, but for gosh sakes I cant from a remote location. The problem I am having is when I type in the WAN IP, It takes me to the routers admin page. What the?

Keep in mind that this is the same process I did to access the old DVR, I just typed in the WAN IP and bam, the login page for the DVR would appear. But not with this DVR, its just taking me to my routers admin page. Here is some more info that I can provide:


I forwarded all ports correctly, they were already setup from the old DVR and yes I am sure that I matched them up with the new DVR. I also made sure that they were open and yes they were.


I ensured that all IP's were configured correctly on the DVR and in port forwarding.


I also tried typing in the WAN IP followed by a semi-colon and the appropriate DVR port. This didnt work either.




Anyone know why I could be getting the stupid routers admin instead of the DVR's login screen like I should be?

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turning off the routers remote login worked! Thanks!


However I was using different ports. I was using port 8079 for the router

and port 8000, 5050, and 80 for DVR. Not sure why it was causing those problems

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