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Controll room VMS software options

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We are having plans here to redo our controll room and one of the things we would like change is the VMS software we're using.


We currenly have camIQ (http://www.rosemann-software.de) running. We aren't all to happy about it and we're looking around to see what more there is too offer. I got two VMS packages on my mind, namely Milestone or BVMS.

I was wondering if any of you know some packages they might recommend ?


We have about ~100 camera's.

We use NETrec recorders to record and convert the camera's. I'm not all to happy with Videotronic equipment and looking into replacing it all, but it might not be an option regarding the costs.

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You mean BVMS - Bosch Video Management System?

Works good. But you can use this system only with Bosch encoders or IP cams. Or, with Bosch Recording Station you can use some of another manufacturers cameras. Lots of features, you can add more features using integrated scripting (C# and C++ languages).

Milestone not so flexible about configuration possibilities, but you can use almost any IP camera or encoder.

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I would recommend Genetec Omnicast, its feature rich and costs in similar to Milestone. It is also customisable using macros.

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