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Liquid Cool

Complete Noob...wants to build a pc based monitoring system

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One thing, why going for a bullet? and not a day night traditional cam?


Maybe for concealment?


If you are looking at the Provideo, let me know what model's to see for you, I'm going to their headquarters on thursday, and I'll demo it out for you, this way I can give you a better idea on how good they really are.


Ps.. when SOMEONE get's off their behind and finishes my website, I'll post the link, as I also have the same issue that I will be drop-shipping for that PARTICULAR someone also......

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The reason that the PC should be dedicated to just being a DVR is simple. Stability. It should be viewed like any other mission critical system (ie one's who's uptime you want to get as near 99% as possible). The more you install, the more you run, the more you do with the system besides being a DVR, the better the odds you'll get an unstable system.

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After a restful night sleep, I re-read the whole thread.


Hermin, I like the idea of the two Rory mentioned..in white. For the front, I'm thinking about going with the CVC 637EX/W, I think this would work in another location I have when I add one more. Then under the back porch, I was going to go with the CVC 325WP. I think again, Rory made a good choice here. When I add the 4th, I'm going to go with the CVC 6805 EX, it would be for inside a courtyard. I'm going to add pictures today, so people can understand the areas I'm talking about.


I'm an off the floor commodities trader, among other duties. So my pc's have to be 100% reliable. I use two systems here in the office. A small server, and a FX-55 AMD based 64 bit system. I will mention both are liquid cooled, and tuned to perfection. I can completely understand what you guys mean when you're mentioning reliability. I'm a tad anal in this area. I have a PX400 Soyo Dragon Platinum board and a 2.4C Intel chip lying around here as an old spare. I'm going to rummage through the workshop tonight and see if I can come up with a complete PC so I can slap together a dedicated system(DVR). Currently this afternoon, I'd like to get familiar with Hermin's I view cards, I've read a few thread's on these and like what I see, although. Haven't seen any .PDF files, or pictures of the cards as of yet. A google search, pulled up more junk than I cared to sift through, so still looking.


Also trying to get down figuring out "exactly" what I need for cabling, and how I wire these up. I'm techinically and electronically savvy, but this area of electronics, as the title stated, I don't have any experience.


Will be back with Pics a little later. Again guys, quite a bit more help than I expected here, and I'm extremely appreciative.





Edited by Guest

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Here's a shot of the small server I built. I kept this one, but have built a couple for young kids to use as LAN servers at parties.



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speco's line of "EX" cameras like the CVC-637EX, CVC-6805EX, CVC-870EX, etc.. all are no longer Day/Night cameras as well all no longer have the EX-view chip in it. We have had all the specs on our site updated to reflect that. You may want to be careful, if you order any of the "EX" models, the outside boxes STILL currently show Day/Night, but are not.

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