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AVTECH standalone DVR or Geovision? suggestion please

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I have already put up 9 cameras to control the internal and external views of my house. I am considering a standalone DVR (AVTECH KPD 679Z). However I want to have easily access remotely (from iphone 4). Do you think that the above mentioned DVR will satisfy my needs in terms of picture quality and fast acquisition of pictures? Cpm[ared with a Geovision system, which will probably cost me 3 times more, which are the disadvantages?

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They are 2 totally different DVRs, the Avtech is a budget DVR with limited features, the Geo is a full featured PC DVR system with good evidence sharing. You need to decide what type of DVR it is you need, is the location too hot or rugged for a PC DVR? IF not and you are confident in building PC systems and have the time it takes to set it up properly as a DVR and not a home or business PC/server, or willing to buy one ready made for the extra cost, then perhaps the Geo is for you.


Stand alone is normally a much more basic system, basic board and embedded slower CPU, but in some cases does enough for many clients. Evidence sharing is typically not as good but on some models it is good enough. They can typically hold up in alot more heat than a PC, though that depends where you live or the location that the DVR will go as to whether that even matters.


If you want alot of networking features, typically you will find at least more control of them with a decent PC DVR. Less limits on number of users connected at one time, true dual stream with more quality settings, etc. meaning recording encoding is totally separate from network encoding.


AvTech evidence sharing samples .. from a DVR a couple years old. Maybe its better now but kind of doubt it. There is a slightly different app which I also used on my DVR but it was not great either.


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thanks for the prompt reply. Please let me know if the quality of the picure that I see in the 2 systems is really different and if the iphone support is OK for both systems. Which is the time delay? Is it pretty annoying or acceptable?


Besides security reasons, my main concern is to have good live picture of the cameras (DSC 101 internal and GKB external cameras) for example when I am inside the house and somebody is approaching at the main entrance. Second, to have the best possible resolution in my iphone when I check these cameras remotely.


Waiting eagerly for your reply

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I have no idea what their Iphone app is like but if their Windows Client App is any indication I would run away from it as fast as I could.

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