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What is on the horizon for High Speed Internet

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I realize this is off topic of CCTV a little but it still affects it in one way or another.


Has anyone used 4G wireless internet yet, if so, is it pretty fast? I got pretty fast DSL at work but here at home my only option is Hughes Net Satellite and it absolutely 100% SUCKS. Talk about slow "high speed internet"! And then they got this Fair Access Policy which means if you go past your daily alloted download limit, your internet slows down to sub dial up speed for 24 hours. I wont even go into how bad their customer service is either, oh man .


I am thinking about switching to an air card modem type thing for our house but I hate that it gives me a monthly download limit, I would exceed it in no time. What sucks worse is we do not even have 4G coverage here in Tulsa, OK yet.


Does anyone know of anything else that may be available to me. I assume that wireless internet service is going to be the thing of the future but when is it going to have full coverage. Obama said one of his plans was to make high speed internet available to everyone but I havent seen anything happening

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Isnt 4G for mobile phones?

Cable is our high speed internet here, it is a monopoly though, much like the government owned telco which supplies the limited and slower DSL. However they just sold the Telco company to "Cable and Wireless" and so now that it is privatized perhaps they will have more options. Apparently in 3 years others will be allowed to enter the market and that hopefully will do away with the monopolies once and for all.

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4G is the next generation wireless internet. Voice does not get carried over the 4G network as far as I know. You have to flavors WiMax and LTE like anything else both have there own advantages. Sprint uses WiMax and Verizon uses LTE but Sprint wins with the unlimited data plan in my book. I have seen 4G speeds of 8 Mbps down and 5Mbps on my phone with speedtest but I have been reading Verizons LTE has speeds up to 30 down and 15 up but they don't have an unlimited data plan.

Edited by Guest

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I just assume that wireless internet will be the norm in a few short years. I mean if they can reach or exceed DSL & Cable speeds than people will start turning to just have wireless internet and do away with their landline internet options as long as the coverage is good. Right now, we dont get any kind of 4G in our area but I assume in a few years, coverage will be everywhere. I assume that wireless internet will just continue to get faster too. I bet once this happens, some really awesome products and gadgets will start coming out, All TV's will be internet accessible much like some of the new ones are, by that time, everyone will have a smartphone as the phone manufacturers will simply stop making the regular phones, and most all new cars will have internet access or be able to bluetooth to your cell phone. I predict that your cell phone will basically be your wireless internet modem for everything, kind of like what a wireless router does right now. Its gonna be crazy.

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Yeah, don't think you'll see wireless catching up to hardwired anytime soon... keep in mind that as wireless gets faster, so does wired. This is the current top-level *residential* offering from my cable ISP:




Perfect for those who have multiple home computers and perform a variety of media-intensive activities at the same time.


Up to 100 Mbps download speed

5 Mbps upload speed

500 GB/month data transfer

10 personal email addresses


Catch it's, it's $150/mo., on top of your regular cable... but dayyyaam!

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I have 20Mb down and 2Mb up with a static ip for $60 a month. I find the 4g wireless to be very intresting. I have alot coustomers thinking it is very easy to slap a 4g modem on a ip camera and they can view it anywhere. Hell every customer asks " can't you do that wireless"

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  thewireguys said:
I have 20Mb down and 2Mb up with a static ip for $60 a month. I find the 4g wireless to be very intresting. I have alot coustomers thinking it is very easy to slap a 4g modem on a ip camera and they can view it anywhere. Hell every customer asks " can't you do that wireless"

I'm sure you could... question is, what do they want to pay for it? Sure, you can sign up for a multi-year contract and get the hardware free, with most providers... but how much data does your package include, and what is it going to cost if you go over that?


I scored a great deal when I got my smartphone - $15/mo. unlimited data (tethering not included) on an EVDO rev.A network... but that's a rarity. Same provider now will give you a whopping 500MB/mo. for your $15.

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i pay $70 a month no static ip. includes basic cable TV which I dont even watch anymore. we get around 384 up and 2mb down. Thats high speed for here since DSL is around 64-128 up and 1mb down even for the $100 a month business account.

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  rory said:
I dont think wireless will ever replace a wire

I'm not so sure.


Clearly you could never do backbones over wireless but if for the avg consumer, we're already well into that with smartphones, tablets and laptops.

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  Campbell said:
  rory said:
I dont think wireless will ever replace a wire

I'm not so sure.


Clearly you could never do backbones over wireless but if for the avg consumer, we're already well into that with smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Yeah for the average user, but with video it can still be a lag, dependent on the connection.

Also, I cant count how many times people call me about they cant connect or they connected to someone elses network and its slow, or something is blocking the signal, etc etc . Wireless can be a real pain sometimes, while wired just works.

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  rory said:
  Campbell said:
  rory said:
I dont think wireless will ever replace a wire

I'm not so sure.


Clearly you could never do backbones over wireless but if for the avg consumer, we're already well into that with smartphones, tablets and laptops.

Yeah for the average user, but with video it can still be a lag, dependent on the connection.

Also, I cant count how many times people call me about they cant connect or they connected to someone elses network and its slow, or something is blocking the signal, etc etc . Wireless can be a real pain sometimes, while wired just works.


Oh I agree with you, but wireless tech is advancing faster and faster. We already stream high compression stuff anyways from places like youtube etc.


We're already approaching the point where transmission speeds of wireless exceed that of cameras. It's only a matter of time.


That said, I much prefer to deal in hard wire, less things go wrong

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  Soundy said:
Catch it's, it's $150/mo., on top of your regular cable... but dayyyaam!


I used to pay $800 a month for ISDN to my home.




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Catch it's, it's $150/mo., on top of your regular cable... but dayyyaam!


I'd pay that if I could get it.


There is probably going to reach a point where download speed doesnt really matter anymore for the average user. What I mean downloading a song will probably be just as fast downloaded at 100 MBPS as it would 200 MBPS, atleast to the human eye, they are both going to be lighting fast and the differences probably wont be noticed. I assume the only way you would notice is if you are downloading a massive file.


I agree that wired will probably always be faster, but as far as marketability and sales are concerned, I see wireless being the main thing in a few years. Yeah sure, most large businesses will still have wired, but the average dude will probably be mostly wireless. its just a convenience thing and people like convenience, and with all these smart phones and tablets and crap that are coming out, its just inevitable. That is my Nostradamus prediction.

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Oh yeah, here is another prediction. Video Chat will eventually replace voice only calls. Its inevitable.



- Prophet Sean

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Sprint uses WiMax and Verizon uses LTE but Sprint wins with the unlimited data plan in my book. I have seen 4G speeds of 8 Mbps down and 5Mbps on my phone with speedtest but I have been reading Verizons LTE has speeds up to 30 down and 15 up but they don't have an unlimited data plan.


I have the EVO 4G on sprint, greater LA area just launched 4G on the first, ~ 6-8mbps down, 3-4 up - and I've never had more than one bar on 4G.


Loving it... though I still say that "premium data charge" on top of the unlimited data plan is absurd.

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  SEANHAWG said:

I agree that wired will probably always be faster, but as far as marketability and sales are concerned, I see wireless being the main thing in a few years. Yeah sure, most large businesses will still have wired, but the average dude will probably be mostly wireless. its just a convenience thing and people like convenience, and with all these smart phones and tablets and crap that are coming out, its just inevitable. That is my Nostradamus prediction.


Nobody uses wireless here except for locally through routers, its not even a thought yet, its cable or nothing basically. Ofcourse cell phone users use some kind of wireless but I wouldnt know about that.

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  rory said:
  SEANHAWG said:

I agree that wired will probably always be faster, but as far as marketability and sales are concerned, I see wireless being the main thing in a few years. Yeah sure, most large businesses will still have wired, but the average dude will probably be mostly wireless. its just a convenience thing and people like convenience, and with all these smart phones and tablets and crap that are coming out, its just inevitable. That is my Nostradamus prediction.


Nobody uses wireless here except for locally through routers, its not even a thought yet, its cable or nothing basically. Ofcourse cell phone users use some kind of wireless but I wouldnt know about that.


It's far more prevalent here due to the tyranny of distance. Especially in the outback.

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i hope wired does not go away anytime soon I would have to retire. We install miles of cable almost all of it CAT 6 and most customers are not even running 10/100/1000 switches. Cat 7 is avaliable but I don't know who is making 10/100/1000/10,000 switches yet. A lot of mfgs offer 25 year warrentees. It seems that everthing is going to IP or poe. I read an article that proposed doing all the lighting is a house with POE. A data drop to a switch is a powerfull thing.

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  jeromephone said:
i hope wired does not go away anytime soon I would have to retire. We install miles of cable almost all of it CAT 6 and most customers are not even running 10/100/1000 switches. Cat 7 is avaliable but I don't know who is making 10/100/1000/10,000 switches yet. A lot of mfgs offer 25 year warrentees. It seems that everthing is going to IP or poe. I read an article that proposed doing all the lighting is a house with POE. A data drop to a switch is a powerfull thing.


Cat 7 looks like a game changer: http://www.siemon.com/us/learning/08-05-06_tera-cable-and-outlet.asp


10/100 network, 1 phone, HD video all over one wire.

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well whatever it is, one thing I know for certain is its going to take 10 years to get to my country

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  rory said:
well whatever it is, one thing I know for certain is its going to take 10 years to get to my country

And on top of it all, you have that arctic cold to deal with now...


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