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Electronic Shutter

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Is there a big difference between a 1/10,000 and 1/100,000 shutter speed for CCTV cameras?


It will be used for basement parking lot surveillance and I want to know if having a 1/100,000 shutter speed necessary.



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Is there a big difference between a 1/10,000 and 1/100,000 shutter speed for CCTV cameras?


It will be used for basement parking lot surveillance and I want to know if having a 1/100,000 shutter speed necessary.



Not necessary. Use outside cameras together with auto iris lenses, thats all...

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I doubt you'd even need 1/10,000 - that's fast enough to freeze helicopter rotor blades in action. I don't know what you're trying to capture, but I'd be surprised if you need to go over 1/250 for ANYTHING you could capture in an underground parking lot.

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thank you all for your reply. very informative. i just brought this up because the 1/100,000 shutter speed was mentioned in the client specs, i guess there were just "overspecing" and it is not necessary to provide a 1/100,000 in a basement parking. Thank you again guys.

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