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Dynacolor 216L mobile view

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I acquired a Dynacolor 216L DVR from eBay for my CCTV system. I have the dynaremote application working but it only works on IE because of ActiveX. My question is, is there anyway to view my DVR with my iPhone. I know Dynacolor says the Dynaguard series of DVRs has mobile view but I can't find that on my DVR does my version not have that? An if not why couldn't they add it with a simple software update?

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There is an application on the app store for the iphone


I don't think it works with the 216 series though... pretty sure it's just the newer units.

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There is an application on the app store for the iphone


I don't think it works with the 216 series though... pretty sure it's just the newer units.



Do you happen to know the name of the app?

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Hi everyone,


I also bought from eBay a DynaColor DynaGuard 216 for my domestic activity, which hasn't arrived yet.


I want to use it as standalone, as simple as possible, on only one monitor (no PC connection or extra external harware).


My question is how many recording hours/days/weeks do I have with its native build in hard disk? Many thanks!

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Data retention depends on a lot of things. Frame rate, resolution, recording mode and motion of the scene all play a factor. With the DynaGuard 200 series there are also 4 different models that Dynacolor sold, L, T, S, and U. Each has slightly different performance and will have different data retention.


Also, I don't think that there was a standard HDD size for that DVR, so it depends on what's in it.


Fortunately, Dynacolor accounted for this, and the software will estimate (based on the current recording rate) how much video it will store. You'll have to check it out when you set up the DVR.


Shwanseb: the iPhone app won't work with the old DynaGuard DVRs, I think that you have to have a 600 series with newer firmware on it to use that.

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Maybe I posted in the wrog topic.


Thanks for reply anyway, but my question was related only to DynaGuard device, not to iPhone or other extra hardware. I just want to know how many hours could I record on a let's say 250GiB HDD. Thanks.

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Shwanseb: Sorry, I put your name on the wrong question answer there. In relation to your data retention question:


Data retention depends on a lot of things. Frame rate, resolution, recording mode and motion of the scene all play a factor. With the DynaGuard 200 series there are also 4 different models that Dynacolor sold, L, T, S, and U. Each has slightly different performance and will have different data retention.


But the DynaGuard series has accounted for this, and the software will estimate (based on the current recording rate) how much video it will store. You'll have to check it out when you set up the DVR.


I hope that this answers your question.

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