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Eye-Fi to transfer pictures/videos to a hidden computer

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Has anyone ever tried using the Eye-Fi (http://www.amazon.com/Eye-Fi-Explore-Wireless-Memory-EYE-FI-4EV/dp/B001U0O5QO/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&tag=gpse-20&qid=1297445848&sr=8-6) SDHC card, install it into a security camera that records stills and video and have the pictures and videos uploaded to a small computer that is store in a hidden place, like up in the attic?


Why would you want to do this? Since a lot of those security cameras are restricted to a maximum of 16gb or 32gb SDHC card, transferring them over to a small computer means you can do continuos recording 24x7 at the highest resolution and FPS possible and be able to capture over 30 days or more base on your HDD size...which can be a 3TB drive.


Computer wise...an Atom processor on a mini-ITX motherboard.



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Havent tried it, but I imagine it would be very slow transferring Megapixel images non stop, and to a slow Atom PC as well.

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We use the Eye-Fi card whenever we need to take pictures for our descriptions and we love it. We use the heck out of it and It really rocks. It can send the pictures pretty quickly too. The only thing is that you have to be pretty close to the wireless router for it to work and sometimes it for some reason will not pick up on the picture right away.


I have never used it to transfer video though, I wasnt even aware that this could be done, I was under the impression that only pics could be transerred.


The only thing is that the memory card keeps the pictures on the card even after transferring to your computer. I have never tried to mess with it to see if it can automatically delete the pictures after transferring though so I am not sure if it can even be done or not.

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