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dave c

Any decent online sources?

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I've continued reading a lot here the past month or so. Lots of great info. It seems pretty clear that there are a lot of problems with buying cameras online, and I'm not even talking about junk from ebay. I read the thread on CNB and unauthorized resellers, for example. But if you search for their cameras online, you find most of the hits come from the places they list as unauthorized. And then if you go to one that is authorized, such as surveillance-video.com, you read plenty of bad customer experiences. So where are the decent places online? Places that will give a respectable price, but not be the bottom-feeders that cause all the bad experiences. There have to be GOOD sources out there, somewhere, aren't there?


In my case, I am a DIY sort of guy. I find this area to be quite interesting, so I am looking to start trying some things out on my own. But I want good equipment, not cheap junk and though I can't justify $2k for a camera, there seems to be a lot of good choices in the $100-400 range that should allow me to get started learning more. I just want to find a decent place to get that kind of stuff.


If you need to take it to PMs to avoid violating forum rules, I understand.




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Check out any of the site's Partners (list to the left of this post)...


Most manufacturers will either have a list of authorized resellers on their website, or will tell you who they are when asked.

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