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Burned out with Sony, cheap cameras

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I've been using sony cameras for some time and have been having problems with them lasting more than a few years (not even two years). The old saying "you get what you pay for" seems to ring here.


Does anyone have any info on the build quality of cctv camera brands, or info on which ones seem to last the longest?



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Well, you are in the right place.


Toshiba, altho cheap, last for ever, GE, Ganz, Bosch, and some korean/taiwanesse.


Read throught the forum and you will start to notice who's good and who's not.



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Hi Keith001,


What sort of problems have you been having, and what models are they?


Usually if respectable branded cameras fail prematurely, it's down to external factors, like problems with power supplies, or cameras getting cooked in housings.


It would be interesting to see why you've had bad experiences.

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Something else to note:


Sony doesn't make alot of CCTV cameras. They do however make most of the CCD's used in the industry. Do the cameras say "Sony" in big letters?

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The cameras are Sony's, they are these models



They could very well be getting cooked inside their housings, they sit out in 95+ degree sunlight in the summer and below zero degrees in the winter. Would sunshades above the cameras help keep them from baking?


When the cameras stop working they just seem to not have any power going into them. The lenses seem to work fine, but the cameras do nothing at all.

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Do they have any kind of cooling? And is that 95 degress inside the housing, or 95 degrees air tempature outside the unit. Keep in mind that if it's the later then you have to factor in that the housing is trapping heat.

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A properly installed sunshield will make a big difference, strongly suggest you get one and also a fan/heater combo. Not a lot extra but will help extend the life of the camera.

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i have GE cameras inside GE housings, air tight, and never had them burn up or die ... and we get 90 degrees+ most of the year round ..course all cameras arent made equal.

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But those have a blower unit in them don't they Rory?


no, just a regular housing, empty, dont need a heater down here ..

Good cameras though.

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