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Ganz harddrive upgrade

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Hello from Scotland


Ive been slowly upgrading a CCTV system on a property and was looking to expand the recording time for it.


The Model is a GANZ ZR-DHD1621NP (Bios version 1.11 Main Version 2.06)


The manual ive attached states


INTERNAL HDD 4 x IDE ATA133 (1TB maximum)


The 3 system HD's are recording at 720 2P Q4 with all 16 camera's running


No. For Type Cap


1 MAIN IDE (PM) 232.88GB

2 MAIN IDE (SM) 232.88GB

3 MAIN IDE (SS) 232.88GB


This probably gives around a month


I was looking to upgrade the system to 1TB SATA Drives has anyone any experience with Ganz upgrading or replacement Drives

Would there be any issues or drive size limitation with this system


Any thoughts would be more than welcome before i spend any money.


many thanks

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You can try a 1Tb SATA hard drive, with a SATA to ATA adapter. It will not always work, and it will also depend on the extra room you have inside the DVR, some adapters might fit, some might not, or maybe you do not have room for adapters at all.


If it is the last case, then you can only use ATA hard drives, and I think you will have it difficult to find anything bigger than 500Gb, and price will be a lot more expensive than SATA.

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