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Dahua 32ch PSS Tip and other tips

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If you want to setup the DVR remotely using PSS make sure you download version PSS 4.04.6 from Dahua's website.


Anything less and you wont be able to edit the "DETECT" or "ALARM" sections.

Additionally if you upgraded the firmware to V2.606.0024.4.R, then you need this newer PSS to be able to edit the "ENCODE" section properly.


Other Tips for all their DVR models


-careful using the "COPY" feature such as in the "DETECT" section; if for example you setup channel 1 then copy that to the other channels, anytime channel 2 detects motion it will record channel 1.


-in the "GENERAL" section, lower the "PACK DURATION" to get smaller recorded files, so for example when playing back recorded files downloading them to your computer wont take as long and the file wont be as large. Im testing it with 3 minutes for now.


-in the "GENERAL" section, set the "Device No" to 0. This is especially useful for clients that like to use the IR remote and might click the wrong button - on the IR Remote the "ADD" button at top right lets you assign it's address to a DVR's "Device No", if the client clicks that accidentally it brings up "000" which is a "Device No" of 0. If they click Enter it is saved and if the "Device No" in the DVR is not set to 0, the IR Remote will fail to work with that DVR.


-to hide cameras - the default logged in user on start up is called "default". It is a built in user account and cannot be removed and cannot change its group level, it does not use a password either. You can only set Authority for Live video (Monitor) and Search/Playback (Replay). If you want to hide some cameras from others then change the Authority for the user "default" unchecking the cameras you dont want them to see - it will still record. To view all cameras they could login with the user "888888" which is a local admin account only (cannot use it over the network/internet). Note. you can delete "888888". If you want to create a new local account just uncheck CONTROL THE DEVICE under Authority - this denies access to that account over the network.


-change the "admin" password - this is the built in admin account and cannot be removed or edited, except the password. Use this account to maintain your client's DVRs locally or remotely, perhaps use the same master password for all the DVRs you maintain. If the client wants to watch live and playback remotely then setup a user account for them with their own name and password, and set the Authority for Monitor and Replay for all channels. I also create a basic generic user for live remote video with Monitor Authority only.


the above may vary between firmware versions.

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