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effective cheap ,i.r lighting - that works 1-35m .......?

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hello everyone-

id like ask everyone reading this little post for their advice.


i install cameras - usually non discript bullet types with the usual crappy i.r leds that surround the lens,,, with -..... predictable results.


i like cameras with a 3.8mm lens ,i never use lenses bigger than 3.8 ,, and i need to see upto 30 metres.


with something like a 240v metal oxide son light , this is no problem.

good vision , good picture all round.


problem is.

1. this usually needs 240v nearby the light

2. i hate running , and jerking around with 240

3. these lights arent cheap.


but still ,,,, the results are chalk and cheese compared with the built in leds that bullet cameras have , that usually give poor results with a 3.8mm lens and never / rarley ever go anywhere near 35 metres.



possible solution..


buy those 140/96 led halogen lookalike i.r arrays on ebay for apx £40-50 pound.


or buy a good bullet camera from china that has good built in leds - that works .... and this is always risky ,, cos they say it will be fine at 35 meteres at 3.8mm ,,, but you only have the chinese guys word for it.



or ....


after much online research ,, make up your own i.r light.


has anyone either

1. bought and used a good bullet cam with built in leds that gives lovely pictures at 3.8mm lens from 0 to 35 metres


or ,,

made there own infra light ?


ive read that simply buying a good halogen torch and putting some 35mm unexposed developed negative film over the cap , creates a stunning i.r source , a thousand times better than any led jobby.

if not a torch , a halogen fog light- such as youd fit on a car


instaed of using 35mm film as a i.r filter, you could buy a photographic i.r filter for apx £5 , use this as a cap in front of the halogen torch - and even better.



case anyone doubts this - check out wickedlasers.com and check out the infra x torch video footage ,, the results blew my mind when the guy switched the torch on ...



anyone made there own infrared or recommend a good chinese illumiator good for upto 35 metres with3.8mm ..??



got to be reasonable price ( because , 1 , im cheap , and 2. alot of my cameras/ detectors etc get stolen) andmost important of all..... work.....

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Have you ever tried the IR heat lamps you can buy at home improvement or farm stores. They are inexpensive and screw in standard sockets. You can get them in white light with ir and ir only.

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case anyone doubts this - check out wickedlasers.com and check out the infra x torch video footage ,, the results blew my mind when the guy switched the torch on ...

That was a very small enclosed area and it was still just dim IR.

Most cheap IR cams should do that.

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nimrod, the problem with those bulbs is that they need mains electricity - which is a problem on my sites.

12v 24v - is fine , i dont think those type of bulbs are 12v or 24v.

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