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0.15 lux question

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Is a Samsung SCD-2021 with a lux of 0.15Lux - 50 IRE @F1.2 good for use in a dark room


[sorry if it is a dumb question]

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“Is a Samsung SCD-2021 with a lux of 0.15Lux - 50 IRE @F1.2 good for use in a dark room.”


I would have to say no. When you say dark i will assume you mean no lights on. Now i am really winging it here, but wild guess to give you some frame of reference, a .15 lux camera in a room 20ft x 20ft you would need at least 25 watt light bulb for usable image.


If you really mean a dark room, like no light, then no conventional camera would work. You would need some kind of artifical light or a thermal imager.


If you want a good analog camera with good low light performance a CNB camera would be a good choice for color with lights on, and some lighting with black and white output.


DBM-24VF 1/3" 600TVL, Indoor, true day/night, DC Iris M13 2.8-10.5mm .005 lux


If you always want low light performance and black and white is ok, look at the KT&C KPC-VBN190 series of bullet cameras.

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If you want a good analog camera with good low light performance a CNB camera would be a good choice


I have a chance to buy a cbc-03A

It is a network camera like i am looking for and is also a "day/night" camera that i hope i can use my "light" that is for night time use that a "day/night" camera can see


Do you think the cbc-03A is a good choice for in a dark room with an "illuminator"?

Thanks in advance

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It looks like a .4 lux minimum. Still not going to do much good in low light. Take your time and look at a lot of night pictures on this sight. I have a .1 lux camera and a CNB VCM-24vf .005 lux and there is a huge difference in light gathering ability.

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