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Geovision-- Deleted event recovery?

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Hi there!!


First of all...i usually speak french so please give me a chance!!


If i screw up a sentence i'm not dumb or dyslexic...i speak french!



There we go:

A client of mine (with a gv system installed) think events had been deleted from the system

She can't view them in the events log.

Only her and another person know the password for the admin account, and it happened between 00:00 and 10:00.


I want to know if i can recover deleted events and play them?

I saw a couple of post about the database recovery utility... will it put the event back in the logs??


Is there a way to access event log directly by the folders, or the only solution is the event log? (f9).


If i can't recover the deleted events, do you guys have a suggestion, for my client to prove the other person is deleting events??

I saw an option for the password of the account must be changed daily or something but i can't remember...

Maybe check this box, then when the guy wants to acces event log he will be in trouble??


Thank you very much...

My first post about gv here, hope you guys can help me!



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I really want to tell you...


But how??

I was thinking gv have only one database for the logs..

How may i tell you wich one i use?

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