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Hello from the UK

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Hi everybody.

Wish that I had found this forum before installing cctv at my home

Some v. useful info on here. Time to update my system maybe?




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Hi everybody.

Wish that I had found this forum before installing cctv at my home

Some v. useful info on here. Time to update my system maybe?





Hello Ken welcome. let us know where in the UK you are.I am in Manchester well Bolton actually. Why did you install CCTV at your home? Are you just enthusiastic about technology or do you have something you want to protect against, or would you rather not say?


I installed it at home because of the ASB in my area, the underclass hoodie type teens putting stuff through my letterbox, throwing eggs, bottles potatoes light bulbs and stones, ringing my doorbell, fighting and loitering in the alley and street, boozing you name it they did it. It has virtually disappeared from the area now. Sadly the problem is someone else's now. CCTV did not stop it but made this street a less attractive proposition when Police arrive with ten minutes pour out their booze on the ground, sometimes make arrests, search the teens take their details etc.


I have a combination of very visible (overt) and hidden (covert) cameras The overt cameras say "come and have a go if you thing you're 'ard enough" and the covert says OKAY so CCTV doesn't put you off, lets see if a visit from the law does?

Anyway, here you'll learn to overcome all sorts of problems with your system. Upgrade if you like but first try and do what you can with what you already have. That way you will identify where you can do better

Once again Welcome.

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