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Mini dome with auto tracking

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You may see many big tracking ptzs. But what do you think if auto tracking is built in a mini dome?


It is 10X optical, indoor and outdoor available, motion tracking.



Tracking solution for surveillance

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In my limited experience, auto tracking is different with various brands. Some are real rubbish, some are a nuisance and some are getting close to useful. Personally I have never come across a specific auto tracking dome that was good for any realistic purpose. I believe it to have very limited potential. I don't know what others with more experience think about this?

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I picked up one of the used Costar 2500H on the cheap and am quite happy with it. No auto tracking or other bells and whistles, but works great with little investment.

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I would very much like to see some videos.


Honestly, I am interested in a cheap PTZ...


Yes so would I Adam, I just ccouldn't find the videos I was referring to.

What happens is that the camera starts tracking one guy and it would be good if it continued, Unfortunately he stops and others start moving across the screen and the camera follows them and changes about four of five times in the space of a couple of minutes.


Another was the same thing except it was a truck, which then drove and parked in a car park and other vehicles took the camera elswhere as if they were playing with the cameras.


Sorry i didn't post any links guys, I thought I'd have no trouble finding them, but I did.


Problem is, in such situations, how is the camera to know who to follow? Unless there is operator intervention to tell the camera which object / person to follow ? In a crowd situation this could enhance considerably the operator's efficientcy, but there is no substitute for a live operator at the keyboard.


These are just my thoughts, I haven't really the experience to know what can be achieved with Auto-Tracking. Perhaps someone that has a lot of experience in using or setting up Auto-Tracking could comment.

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