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Yet another novice without a clue needing help

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I have a USB digital wireless camera and receiver 2.4Ghz N04GJ by Sentient, I believe. CMOS colour 1/4", F3.6, Resolution 450 TV lines, night vision up to 26ft.


The Guarding software that came with it is ok, but I need something that has better motion detection capability. You can't set it at 100% as it alarms constantly, at 87% it misses lots.


It is used to monitor the nest boxes in my chicken hut as I have had a problem with stoats stealing eggs! The camera is 4ft from the nest boxes. IR is on constantly as its slightly dark in the hut.


Can someone suggest some compatible software with good motion detection capability, preferably free or very cheap.


I'm running XP home on an Athlon XP 2200+ 1800Ghz, 2Gb Ram, NVIDIA GeForce 6200 125Mb.


Many thanks

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Does it look like this?




So the receiver plugs into a USB port on your computer, and you installed a driver, and you are currently using their motion software?


You are probably in luck!


This thing seems to essentially be a USB webcam... So some freeware like Crime-Catcher, Yawcam, or Motion Detector are available. Both offer remote viewing, good motion detection (IMO), and are FREE.

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Thanks for replying.


It looks just like that


I'll try them all and see what works best.



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