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Well, I'm new and need advice

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By trade I am a web designer/developer. I have had experience in networking and hardware before but nothing in this 'field.' I am doing a web site for a client and the owner had a cool idea to have some kind of video system to a.) have surveillance for security and b.) be able to tie in their web site with some of the views for their customers, appraisers, etc.. I thought it was an interesting idea but once again, I have no idea what I'm stepping into. After a couple hours of researching I came up with this from monoprice.com:


4 channel H.264 Digital Video Recorder w/ DVD RW - 120 FPS



1TB External USB



4 Channel CCTV Camera Power Supply - 12VDC - 5 Amps



2.8~11mm, 550TVL, Varifocal lens, IR, DNR

2x, $250/each



600TVL, 4mm Fixed Lens, 30 IR LEDs, Sony CCD, DC12V, IR Bullet Camera (MDP-K675HFI-30)

2x, $70/each


CCTV Cable w/ Power



I thought it was decent and would do the trick. Researching further, it may not do what I need it to. Obviously we need some pretty good clarity and I don't think these cameras will do the trick. The client is probably open to a more expensive, better system but nothing more than 4k I would say. We were thinking 4 cameras, 2/3 outside (not sure yet) and 1/2 inside. Any suggestions, advice, resources, brands, etc would be amazing. I'm up to setting up a computer and using vitamin D if that's a better way to go. I'm really open to anything.

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Well I am IP Megapixel camera guy, however if you are going to stream the image over the internet live I would compare the resolution of the camera to the realistic resolution you can actually stream live over the internet. You probably know more about streaming live video than me since your a web designer. But from my experience I would...


Buy IP Megapixel cameras they support higher resolution for better clarity, and they can be powered by a P.O.E. swich over Cat5-6 cable. Almost all of them have built in web viewer, so you can port forward the IP address of the camera out over your router and log into the camera directly from anywere or even your phone. Also IP cameras come with Network Video Recording software that can be loaded on any PC connected to the network. So you can take a basic office computer, slap your 1tb external HD to it and use that as your video recorder. This would allow for a higher resolution viewing when monitoring for security reasons.


As for the website to avoid paying more to your web hosting service for the mass data you will use streaming live video. I would just get some good clips that could either simulate live feed or just put them as clips. This would satisfy your customers.

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