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Images displayed not actually there

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I have a Samsung SME-2220 system. All four cameras that came with it are up and running. Two have night vision. We appear to have someone in the area who creeps around and shoots light at the cameras and manipulates the image on screen somehow. On screen at night I see spots of light or figures of light that move through the air in view of the cameras and during the day there may be an image of a bird that appears and erratically moves about or there will be a single spot or shadow that moves on the lens or image. These are wired cameras. How is it possible that these things can be projected, or however it is done, and appear on the cameras when they don't really exist? I use to have a cheap wireless camera that some of this happened with and I guess I could understand how the signal might be altered to affect the image.

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It would be very helpful if you were to upload some video or at least images of this.


During night when the IR is on, it is not unusual to see little specks floating about.

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Yes, a short video showing what you mean is helpful. Like Adam mentioned, IR, particularly weak IR will produce all kinds of noise in the image. It can look like fluid motion- even like there may be a person moving about. If you stare at the noise long enough you could swear you see just about anything. And that's the problem with poor light conditions and weak IR- it could very well BE someone and you just can't make it out. Best to upgrade your cameras to one that include really good built in IR- rated for at least what you need to cover. Or augment with a separte IR fixture to add more IR. Or install exterior lighting which will help your cameras see better in very low light, thereby lessening the noise. And don't rule out bugs and stuff too. Animal eyes will glow and look pretty creepy in a nosiy picture too- and they tend to move their head around a lot too. Good luck.



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I'm trying to add video clips of what I'm talking about but evidently the avi and mp4 formats aren't allowed. What do I have to do to add the clips?

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I'm trying to add video clips of what I'm talking about but evidently the avi and mp4 formats aren't allowed. What do I have to do to add the clips?

WOW- long battle ey?


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and during the day there may be an image of a bird that appears and erratically moves about or there will be a single spot or shadow that moves on the lens or image.




Did you buy your unit secondhand ?????

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