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Ir Camera recomendation

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I need a outdoor ir camera for a liquor store. It will be for the parking lot about 10 stalls.

I could use some recommendations.

[edit by mod-that is a retail store model number, please post the manufacturer model number]

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Get a GOOD TDN camera, like a CNB Monalisa, and forget about the IR. A parking lot will (or SHOULD) have more than enough lighting for these cameras to provide a really good picture.

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OP- from the place you mentioned, think about the GS4006CF [white or black]. Looks like a good one. But for ten stalls I would think you may want two cameras, no? Is it just an overview or do you need detail? Otherwise, soundy makes sound sense- if there's decent light. Not always a given and if there's little to none, IR would be worth it.

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If there's not enough light for a Monalisa to get a clear picture, there's probably not enough light for people to walk safely across the lot, and you should be more concerned about liability issues...

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True. But I'll be damned- in our home depot shopping center there's quite a few stores including a liquor store. Long about 12am the parking lot goes dark. This massive lot just goes dark every night. Presumably to save on electric costs. Very weird, and very dark. I'd have an IR cam up if my little storefront was in there, for sure.


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The fact that is was requirement to put in the light fixtures indicates to me that they are supposed to be used. Why would you put the safety of others in jeopardy just to save a buck?


If you had a business in my area and you turned off your lights at night I would probably choose not to do business with you as your actions would indicate a disregard for the safety of others.

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I'd be surprised if the city didn't require a publicly-accessible retail property like that to maintain a minimum level of lighting... and if the city didn't, their insurance should. Turn off the lights, someone trucks through the parking lot at 3am, trips over a curb, breaks a couple teeth on the pavement... you KNOW the lawsuits will be flying fast and furious, and any liability insurance will go right out the window.

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There has to be enough light as to safely illuminate the area for pedestrians. Regardless of the time of day people are entitled to be safe on public property.



I'd be surprised if the city didn't require a publicly-accessible retail property like that to maintain a minimum level of lighting... and if the city didn't, their insurance should. Turn off the lights, someone trucks through the parking lot at 3am, trips over a curb, breaks a couple teeth on the pavement... you KNOW the lawsuits will be flying fast and furious, and any liability insurance will go right out the window.

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Most publicly accessible car parks here have lights if only for security purposes.

But the lights dont always work, same with street lights, bulbs blow and it could take weeks or months for them to be replaced.

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