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What to look for in a good not too cheap analog camera

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Hi all.


This is a followup of the thread I have here viewtopic.php?f=56&t=27579


As mentioned in the other thread for those who didn't read it I need 2 good IP camera and 2 good but not too expensive analogs for general use. So I have been looking alot in the IP cam and my choice is probably gonna be Arecont vision AV1325 http://www.arecontvision.com/AV1325.html

but for the analog cams I did absolutely no looking around and I am now at that point....... looking for an analog cam. I have this that I can put my hands on for about $200 but I am not sure what to look for in the analog to obtain a good quality.


If someone can check this out and give me some feedback I would greatly appreciate.


This is Da Ting !! http://www.digimerge.com/product/dpd24dl/

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Also found these from Everfocus :





They also have this Ultra Series 720+ TVL but the thing is they seem to be less expensive than the others. Is the 720+ TVL advertised just a catch phrase or are they really better quality. On the web site they only have one advertised but on a document I received I have a few others. I looked them all up and they average $120. Somewhat confused about the better TVL at lower price....

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  tsc757 said:
Somewhat confused about the better TVL at lower price....



just sales marketing some data sheets will give TVL as a colour camera some will list the best TVL but not tell you thats in B/W

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  tomcctv said:
  tsc757 said:
Somewhat confused about the better TVL at lower price....



just sales marketing some data sheets will give TVL as a colour camera some will list the best TVL but not tell you thats in B/W


Yup, I actually went to see the rep in charge of the distribution for Everfocus around here and he told me they do the 720 tvl but it is a cheap version to compete with the made in china brands for whoever wants to go the low budget way. He showed me a few of his analogs and I bought one of these http://www.everfocus.com/product.cfm?productid=52&tab=specs . I was tempted by this one first http://www.everfocus.com/product.cfm?productid=154&tab=specs but installation of the Dome was easier for my space. Also I thought once the dome is set and focused nobody can easily play with the settings where as the EBD430 model ( the second link ) you have to rings right at your figure tips if some jerk wants to screw with your focus.. Then again who would be stupid enough to play with that when the thing is looking at you lol .


I will give it a try and see what comes out of it. Just the varifocal at 2.9 will make a huge difference with the camera I have atm which is probably some fixed 5mm or close to there.

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Once your EHD500IR is up and running, I would very much like to see some sample images. That is a camera I am considering.


Best of luck with everything.

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  vmgtlexi said:
Once your EHD500IR is up and running, I would very much like to see some sample images. That is a camera I am considering.


Best of luck with everything.





Sorry for the long wait but I just heard they have received my camera today since I was dealing with the rep he only had one in stock and had to go out fishing for one. I will have my hands on it tomorrow so give me till the weekend to have a few shots posted.

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