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Security Camera feud sparks privacy questions

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Its not very neighborly and surely wont make the relationship better.


that should be illegal!


hey, got your contact but the email address you sent keeps coming back as unknown user ...

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Is there anything stopping the lady from planting really fast growing trees on the relevant side of her house? Thats what I would do, plant a row of Leylandii. A fast growing evergreen that is also a haven for nesting birds and grows at the rate of approximately 1 - 2 m per

annum. Then the shoe will be on the other foot. Let the guy looking into their garden put that in his pipe and smoke it.


What a nerve looking into someone's garden. I wouldn't dream of doing that Give him some nice trees to look at!



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That's pretty rude... and creepy.


Somebody send that lady a high-powered laser pointer... not bright enough to damage the camera, but bright enough to blind it.


Problem solved.

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As an aside, kind of half-a**ed installation too. Loose wire hanging down? Couldn't even zip-tie it to the pole?


Speaking of the pole, what kind of mounting job is that? Looks like a wall-mount that they ghetto-rigged... and that pole looks none too sturdy.

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There does seem to be a common thread there doesn't there?

Some people are strange, why would you want to alienate your neighbours by doing such a thing? When I installed my system I took into account any neighbours that might be concerned and went out of my way to assure them there was no privacy issues. I used privacy screens where I didn't need to view and was open and friendly about it.


To date I have only had one single complaint and that did not hold water, it was a guy that is out of my range and just wanted to make a point, I soon put him in his place, but politely.


My neighbours are happy with my system as anti-social crimes have diminished considerably in my street since I've had it, (not 100%).


Things like this fuel the fire that CCTV use is somehow motivated by sinister intentions.

I am not prepared to upset my neighbours, so I am open and friendly and consider their comments and concerns carefully.

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Yep, thats dumb. You gotta have some *common sense* when installing CCTV!


I would never set up a camera to view anything that is not my property, without express permission from the owner.

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There does seem to be a common thread there doesn't there?

Some people are strange, why would you want to alienate your neighbours by doing such a thing? When I installed my system I took into account any neighbours that might be concerned and went out of my way to assure them there was no privacy issues. I used privacy screens where I didn't need to view and was open and friendly about it.


To date I have only had one single complaint and that did not hold water, it was a guy that is out of my range and just wanted to make a point, I soon put him in his place, but politely.


My neighbours are happy with my system as anti-social crimes have diminished considerably in my street since I've had it, (not 100%).


Things like this fuel the fire that CCTV use is somehow motivated by sinister intentions.

I am not prepared to upset my neighbours, so I am open and friendly and consider their comments and concerns carefully.


My neighbors are actually happy about my system, since I've helped nab groups of vandals on several occasions. I've also helped a couple of neighbors with systems of their own (temporary, for when they went on vacation, for instance).


It's all about being a good neighbor, and not a creepy, voyeuristic busybody.

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There does seem to be a common thread there doesn't there?

Some people are strange, why would you want to alienate your neighbours by doing such a thing? When I installed my system I took into account any neighbours that might be concerned and went out of my way to assure them there was no privacy issues. I used privacy screens where I didn't need to view and was open and friendly about it.


To date I have only had one single complaint and that did not hold water, it was a guy that is out of my range and just wanted to make a point, I soon put him in his place, but politely.


My neighbours are happy with my system as anti-social crimes have diminished considerably in my street since I've had it, (not 100%).


Things like this fuel the fire that CCTV use is somehow motivated by sinister intentions.

I am not prepared to upset my neighbours, so I am open and friendly and consider their comments and concerns carefully.


My neighbors are actually happy about my system, since I've helped nab groups of vandals on several occasions. I've also helped a couple of neighbors with systems of their own (temporary, for when they went on vacation, for instance).


It's all about being a good neighbor, and not a creepy, voyeuristic busybody.

I have a residential customer whom we installed a system for to help him deal with harassment issues. The system was quite discreet; however, soon a few neighbors knew about it and made some complaints about it.


Several months later, a neighbor's house was burglarized, in view of his cameras. The thieves also passed by the cameras close enough to make out identifying tattoos, as well as the license number of their car.


The thieves were in custody within a day, and the neighbors complaints stopped soon after that!

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what i did was used my digital camera to take rough pictures of what the cameras could see.

the cameras in the back can see about 15 homes (about 23 if you include ones that are a pixel big) and then i knocked on every door that the cameras covered and showed them the picture i took from my camera then asked if they were okay with it. every single person said yes so i told them my door number in case they ever get broken into or whatever.


generally the only people who dislike it are the c*nts who set fireworks off in the alley and the people who do other crimes in the alley. i was gonna upload the video of the burglars robbing a house, you see them jump over a fence and then walk down the alley (out of sight of camera at the time) then come back, place a tv down on the side of the pavement/alley, go back (to get more stuff) and then i come out (totally un aware) and then they see me and leg it the other way. unfortunately they had their faces covered so even if i still had the file, it would be pretty much useless.

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