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Samsung SHR-1041 Internet help needed

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Hi All,


I recently bought this package system and am having trouble getting it to work via the Internet as they claim. I can load the internet app from the Samsung server site into IE8, but cannot connect to the 1041-box.


I have a Seimens/Sagemcom SE567 ADSL modem and a couple of home computers wire-connected and it all works fine.


I have followed the poor-instructions through several times and still cannot get it to hook up. I can see the 1041 in the "Devices" list of the modem, I have set a clear IP address, the correct Gateway and Subnet Mask, ports etc and still nothing.


Anyone have experience with this Samsung box?



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If your router has a "DMZ" option, try entering the DVR's IP there, and then see if you can connect remotely.


A couple things to be aware of:


many ISPs block port 80 on incoming connections, which could prevent you from making an initial connection to the DVR from outside; if possible, try changing the DVR's web port from 80 to something else (maybe 8000 or 8080) and try connecting to that by adding ":8000" to the end of the URL (example: http://myhouse.dyndns.com:8000)


Also, many routers prevent "loopback" connections, meaning you can't connect to your own internet address, from inside your own network. You may need to try the remote connection from an outside location - maybe a coffee shop or a friend's house.

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Hi Soundy,


Thanks all great suggestions. I will get a friend to try connecting and see if that covers the loopback issue. I can change the Port=80 and will do so and give that a try also.


I will disable my firewall and try that too. I had not thought about the Port issue. I made sure the IP address I assigned the DVR was clear and also within the Trusted range for the Firewall.



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I will disable my firewall and try that too. I had not thought about the Port issue. I made sure the IP address I assigned the DVR was clear and also within the Trusted range for the Firewall.

Simply setting the DVR's ports and IP as "trusted" isn't enough - you need to tell the router's NAT/firewall to forward the appropriate ports to the DVR's IP.


The DMZ (demilitarized zone) option basically tells the router that, all ports that aren't specifically going elsewhere, get forwarded to the specified IP.

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Thanks, but after some digging in the modem/router firmware, it appears to not be possible to configure this modem. It is a modified Seimens supplied by the ADSL company and the limit of configuration is severely limited.


The ADSL company recently replaced the modem and this version is VERY limited in what can be set and what configuration options can be even seen.



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One of our local "major" ISPs uses these models extensively - if you have the login, you CAN do a fair bit of configuration. In this case, the password is simply the name of the ISP ("telus").


Who is your ISP? It may be possible to look up the default password, somewhere out there on the 'net.

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It may be possible to look up the default password, somewhere out there on the 'net.


I can log in to the modem and access a lot of stuff, but this new modem (which looks the same as the old one) has some of the more technical stuff hidden in the set up.


I can set MAC addresses etc I don't ever recall seeing the DMZ in the old one, but it was probably visible somewhere in there. But it sure ain't in the new one. I suspect they may have removed some configurations to cut down on people poking around in there then calling tech support to fix it.


About six months back I tried using a D-Link DSL but I could not get it to hook up correctly. The ISP tech support refused assistance for the D-Link, kinda understandably, but irritating as I suspect there is an access code or protocol setting they would not give me. While they say I can use my own modem, they like to get the 5-bucks a month I pay for using theirs.

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