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Help embedding Video to Web - Geovision GV-SD010-S18X

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Hi there,

We have a Geovision GV-SD010-S18X running firmware 1.01


We have it working online over the internet with no authentication, check the image below:



We are trying to detach the video+controls from the geovision website and place it stand-alone on a website we made, tried using the code:

http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ssi.cgi/VideoServer.htm?cam=1 but it does not work, we get an error message:

"ActiveX downloading please refresh: CreateX"


We don't mind asking for ActiveX controls to be installed, we just can't figure out what we are doing wrong.


We tried calling, emailing Geovision for the SDK for this camera but no answer, has anyone got an idea or would like to help ?


Thank you,



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