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Mounting DVR to Wall

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How do you guys install the DVR box?


When I first started, we would always either place the DVR onto a desk/table, or provide the customer with either a wall-mount shelf or a lock box (if they were willing to pay for it.)


A few months ago, one of my technicians recommended removing the outer casing from the DVR and then attaching the DVR chassis to the wall with a couple of screws. Then the outer casing gets screwed back on and the DVR is now attached to the wall. It seemed like a great idea and we have done it on several installs since then. It looks great in a small business that has an IT "wall" with their IP switches, phone systems, etc. all mounted neatly on the wall.


This obviously isn't as secure as placing inside a lockbox, but it seems to be the next best solution, since the DVR can't easily be grabbed and taken.


Does anyone see any problems, first of all, with installing the DVR like this? I mean in terms of it affecting the operation of the DVR


Second, does anyone have any other ideas or suggestions as to how to secure the DVR?


As we all know, the DVR is only useful if it is still in place when it is time to pull footage off it.

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No problems at all. Only moving part inside the DVR is the hard disk, and it can work ok as long as it is turned 90º (you can have it flat, standing, standing on the edge, etc., you can not have it diagonal). We have also installed many DVRs like that over the years.

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careful if you are putting it into brick/mortar. its very easy to rip things out of walls! unless you use good wall plugs, long screws or screw into wood.

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Some DVR's we use are made to be mounted directly to a wall.


how much do they cost? i have often wondered if you can get DVRs in the style of a fire or burglar alarm (in the way it mounts to the wall and is controlled)

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March Networks 3108 is wall mounted 8 camera system, I believe I also saw one in Super circuits catalogue, just like a burg panel

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