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It is early Sunday morning 2:22 in the morning. And about 10 minutes ago I went to plug in my laptop to my Monster

"Home Theatre Reference PowerSource HTPS 7000 with Dual Balanced Pure Power Isolation Transformers "

I plug in the dc plug in to my laptop and then go to plug in the ac cord to the Htps 7000. And right as I plug it in lightning struck with a LOUD "BAMM"


and went straight through my ac lines and blowes my htps 7000 out and knocks out alot of my kitchen applainces, washer, and all the alarm clocks in my house instantly! And this all happeaned while I have my hand on the plug with the ac power cord for my laptop JUST plugged in!!!!! I was not touched neither was anything that was connected to htps 7000 including my 42 HD plasma, 7.1 surround, my 8 channel surveillance system and DVR, laptop, Pc, Xbox, Dvd, and a few other small devices! Wow! Thanks monster for stopping that gift wrapped present from above.


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i use a Line Conditioner (Voltage Regulator) .. had mine now from 1996 still ticking and we get brownouts all day long, and ofcourse lightning storms and hurricanes ..

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we have the "home" surge protection on the house, provided by the electric company here, and have never had a problem. Everything else outside and around us gets hit all the time. Oh, I hope your home insurance is paid up and the deduct is low, low, low.....because she will blow, blow, blow.

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trust me, we got worst power problems than anywhere in the US .. we got 2nd hand 1950 generators bought from south america, our power goes off at least twice a day all summer long .. and on and off the rest of the year .. we got daily brownouts and non stop spikes ... without a voltage regulator, nothing is safe here ..

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It was worth that extra $1500, jisaacmagee. Pay little now, or pay big later. Good move and lesson learned. I might slam one of these in now while the walls are bare.

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man that money i payed for it at the time was petty cash compared to what could have been. They work great. I love the ac line conditioning in it. It really makes a difference. Honestly I think it is worth more than that.

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