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Need Help Identifying DVR Capture Card

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Dear CCTV,


Long story short - our old iNetCam iVista 6.0 DVR Capture PC had to be rebuilt. Upon reinstallation, we can no longer use iVista as it requires online, active registration which is impossible as they've gone out of business. However, the drivers for the card are built into card software itself, and manual installation using the .INF and .SYS files don't work.


I've had mixed luck installing BTWinCap drivers, as I can't find out the maker/model of the card. Some of the video inputs work, and some dont.


Can someone help me identify the manufacturer and model number of this card?


Details from the front of the PCB:

DVR Capture Card



Version 1.0

QEC 6V0 94V0 11-29-2001



Same Model Currently For Sale on EBay: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=150542137067 although ours came with the original purchase of the DVR system. I can take better pics of our cards if that would help ID them.

Details from the rear of the PCB:






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QEC 6V0 94V0 11-29-2001


However, the drivers for the card are built into card software itself, and manual installation using the .INF and .SYS files don't work.


the drivers will also need updating.


card is CIF time effort and money i would buy a newer card

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