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Greetings from end user in Oklahoma

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I'm Dale, just joining the forum to get help in designing a video system and choosing components for a home security system and a vehicle security system (I've been wanting to do a car PC for a while and now after two separate car burglaries I think it is time).


I have 25 years of electronics experience including 10 years in the US Navy and another 15 years in the two-way radio business including video system installation and camera repair back in the days of vidicons and when IR illumination meant a twenty-thousand dollar tube in a 30 thousand dollar box. But I've been in IT and software development for the last 15 years and am woefully behind on electronics technology - and it's amazing how much one can forget in 15 years.


So the bottom line is that, between my electronics and IT experience, I am a very technical end-user and have the background to understand and learn but not at all an expert on video system design or on new devices or their implementation.


I look forward to learning from and sharing with you all.


Best Regards,



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I"m in Tahlequah but have a granddaughter in Claremore. Oh, and a son and daughter-in-law, too.


So it's on my agenda to stop by and see what you have. Do you sell new equipment?



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yes we do. u can see all what we have on our website. We dont yet have a store front but you can feel free to pick up your order here to save on shipping.

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