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MEME BATTLE: Rory vs. ak357 (WARNING: extreme immaturity)

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blah blah, lame picture, blah




i'm done with this thread and you. GROW UP.


If you are indeed "15" You need to get off this site and go back to youtube. And certainly your parents would not want you to be using swear words on the internet. Nobody ever invited you to this thread, so you can leave on your own.

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Rory I have good news for you

You win

let me explain you Why


I can not allow my self to go down that much

call you names ,exchange mean post with you

getting too childish

kinda against my principals,morals and ........more

I do not want to go that much down

I do not like to be on the same level with you

plus Stanislav provide lots of good links to read

so enjoy victory


To members of this forum

I am sorry

Hope Soundy will delete this BS


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Rory I have good news for you

You win



let me explain you Why

should be interesting.


I can not allow my self to go down that much

Yes you should not go down that much, could pick up a disease.


call you names ,exchange mean post with you

You dont seem to have a problem with that in every other thread on this forum. How does it go again, oh yeah I dont know how to setup a Megapixel camera LOL .. something even a 5 year old could do. Meanwhile as a troll you forget one simple issue with that argument - I am a programmer, basic IT related stuff is the kind of thing we learn to do decades before we develop software, and if for some reason we dont know something, we can learn it overnight - literally putting you and others like you out of business. BUT that is not our goal.


getting too childish

Yes every post you make is childish.

You cant stop attacking me (and others), how childish is that.

Just because as a mod (for many years) I carried out the rules of the forum and banned you.

So sad.


What loss is it to you, how much money from back door sales did you loose from me banning you?

Recall this forum was NOT a place for making money. I banned spammers daily.


Frig it, you dont even believe in your business enough to tell us what it is.

All we got is a spammer's name - ak ... 357.


kinda against my principals,morals and ........more

Trolls such as yourself have no principles let alone morals.


I do not want to go that much down

Again going too much down is not healthy.


I do not like to be on the same level with you

Trust me I will not be down there with you, I value my health.


plus Stanislav provide lots of good links to read

Some people find certain things interesting.

Meanwhile others have 75 camera installs to keep them busy.


so enjoy victory

Always do.


To members of this forum

I am sorry

Hope Soundy will delete this BS

You should be, you started "this BS".

Maybe next time you will think before you start something.


If a troll does not want to get a digital beat down ...

Then dont digitally start something.

Its simple really.


Otherwise, this thread is in the TEST BENCH so its hardly a big deal to members.

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how about taking all this crap off the site. whoever said duke it out on PM is right. I like this forum and this BS just detracts from the good stuff to be found here. I have gotten valuablule info from most of the members here but thes flame wars just make annoyed. Seems like this has been carried far enough I would hate to see members drop out because of the type of posting going on.

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how about taking all this crap off the site. whoever said duke it out on PM is right. I like this forum and this BS just detracts from the good stuff to be found here. I have gotten valuablule info from most of the members here but thes flame wars just make annoyed. Seems like this has been carried far enough I would hate to see members drop out because of the type of posting going on.

aint no flame war, its a beat down after the trolls jump up in a thread and slap me in the face.

guess they dont think i will bite back. Dont start nothing, wont be nothing, simple really.

if one calls it immature to fight back when someone attacks you, then I guess i am the boss of that, cause i dont bend over for nobody, especially trolls.

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how about taking all this crap off the site. whoever said duke it out on PM is right. I like this forum and this BS just detracts from the good stuff to be found here. I have gotten valuablule info from most of the members here but thes flame wars just make annoyed. Seems like this has been carried far enough I would hate to see members drop out because of the type of posting going on.

aint no flame war, its a beat down after the trolls jump up in a thread and slap me in the face.

guess they dont think i will bite back. Dont start nothing, wont be nothing, simple really.

if one calls it immature to fight back when someone attacks you, then I guess i am the boss of that, cause i dont bend over for nobody, especially trolls.


fighting back is fine... no need to do it in public.

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