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please help a newbie (screenshot inside)

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Failing capture chips would be my first guess... I'm assuming this is a really cheap DVR?

no man i dont think so because its not that cheap and all other channels are working fine.. Thanks for reply

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Define "not that cheap" - what make and model is the DVR?


The image there looks like a failing input. There's a slim chance it's also a sign of a failing camera, but since it appears to be happening on two different channels, that would mean two failing cameras, which is far less likely than a failing capture device.


Have you tried swapping the affected cameras to different inputs? Swap cameras 3 and 4, for example, see if the problem moves to channel 3 or stays on 4?

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Failing capture chips would be my first guess... I'm assuming this is a really cheap DVR?

no man i dont think so because its not that cheap and all other channels are working fine.. Thanks for reply




when you need info on a dvr problem you have to give as much info as possable. your last post does not help at all.

Lebanese"]all other channels are working fine..[/u]



it is clear from your pictures that cam 4 and 11 have a problem.



so nto fix you need to give alot more info. is it a dvr or card. (pc based) is it new . did you build it. and what make is it.

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