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How to Clean and Protect Pinhole Lens?

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Does anyone know how to clean a pinhole lens? I can spray it with a cleaner but there's no cloth small enough to wipe it. An internet search was futile.

Below is my solution to protect and keep it clean:


I have two flat nosed b&w KT&C pinhole cameras and since I still don't know how to clean them I came up with a solution, sort of: make a lens cover. But what to use? I went to the local medical testing lab and asked for a couple of microscope slide covers thinking that, being such thin glass, they would make nice protectors, but cutting 1/2 inch circles of thin glass is not easy.

The solution came from the dollar store in the form of safety glasses. I think they are made of polycarbonate and are also slightly spherical (a bonus). Side-cutting pliers quickly produced a rough circle that I hot glued to the business end of the camera. If it gets scratched it will be easy to replace.


Has anyone here had the same problem and/or have a way to clean the tiny lens?

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eyeglass cloth.


rubbing alcohol.


or get alcohol wipes and use q-tip to press it into corners.

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The slide covers are a good idea if you want to mount the camera in something

with an opening to the outside and don't need to cut the glass.


You just solved another of my problems

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I'm glad to help someone else for a change.


I assumed the mfr (KT&C) would have a definitive answer, but this is what they replied:

"Usually we do not use any cloth to clean the pinhole lens since there’s only a pin-point access to the lens. Please try using Dust blower."


Sealing off the tiny lens with a removable hot-glued on cover seems to be the best way to go. My house windows get soiled (inside and outside) and no dust blower would get them clean. An exposed pinhole lens would get similarly soiled.


Would an ultrasonic jewelry cleaning machine do the job? Would I have to remove the lens or just hold it (the lens only) submersed in the cleaning solution? Would any lens coating be removed as well? So many questions....

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