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Motion record starts with delay???

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How can I set up my DVR start recording "motion detection" with NO delay??? Dahua 1U DVR? Been discovering this just today... 3-5secs delay?



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Hmmm, I'd have to look at the DVR to figure out exactly where to find it, but there should be a "pre-buffer" option...

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THis DVR 'corners" me with that I cannot figure out those -pre&after motion duration recording as far as motion detection goes.. like I said I have another DVR from Enster (China) manufacturer and there it is "black on white" :pre & and post record duration .. no probs,,, but this machine does not make these options clear.. or. maybe . I have to go to "factory reset< leave its settings as they were default and simply activate motion detection recording? Maybe I have messed up something there?



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Just came across a tutorial right as my Dahua 1U DVR.. same interface etc... In paragraph about ALARM RECORDING FOUND THIS:

STEP 18: Set the Anti-dither time (this is how much time the DVR will delay before STARTING TO RECORD)

On mine machine Anti -dihter time is default 5 secs. Any way to go around it na d change to lower value(0-1sec)? This seems a problem been haunting me all the time .. motion recordings star late and stop abruptly... though my after motion recording value is set to 10secs.

Any suggestions?


Thanx in advance

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