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jack in oz

Help with lens & shutter settings on Samsung camera

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Hi All,

I have a Korean made Samsung SHC-735 box cam (made 2007) with a Computar 3.5-10mm 1:10 DC lens. It will be mounted outside under a decking and the area I'm monitoring will be in shade most of the day.


I'm in the process of adjusting the settings via the OSD prior to installing it in its housing. I would like to get the settings as close as possible to optimum on the workbench, rather than try to adjust them while I'm up a ladder. Unfortunately the user manual is poorly written and doesn't give much (if any) background info for setup.


I'm a bit confused by the LENS menu. There are 3 options under LENS. They are VIDEO, DC and MANUAL. When I select DC I get a submenu called BRIGHTNESS. The manual says I can set the display brightness between 1-70. In fact, I am only able to set it between 1-40. I guess this is a function of the lens?


The next main menu is EXPOSURE with a submenu called SHUTTER. SHUTTER has potentially 3 settings: A/FLK, ESC and MANUAL.


For ESC the user manual says:

"Select this to control the shutter speed automatically. If ESC is selected, the shutter speed is automatically controlled depending on the ambient illumination of the subject."

However, ESC is not available for selection if DC is selected in the LENS menu. It is only available if MANUAL is selected under LENS. The user manual confirms this.


So, should I set the LENS to MANUAL and SHUTTER to ESC, or LENS to DC and SHUTTER to MANUAL?



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VIDEO, DC and MANUAL refers to the type of lens you are using in relation to the iris. If the lens has a cord that you connect to the camera then that means the lens is automatic iris adjustment. If the lens just simply screws on to the camera, then the iris control is usually one of the rings on the lens that you turn to adjust.


DC/VIDEO are almost the same thing, and those settings are used for automatic iris lenses.


MANUAL setting is used for the lenses that you adjust the iris yourself.


Shutter speed should be set to ESC for manual iris lenses. When the iris automatically adjusts, then the shutter speed doesn't have to change. But when the lens is manual then the shutter speed should automatically adjust to bring in the best picture.


I would makes the settings Manual and ESC.

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the lens is auto-iris DC. It has a lead connected to the camera body. If I read your post correctly I should set LENS to DC and SHUTTER to MANUAL. Is that correct?

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