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GV-NVR (LPR) or GV-LPR madness and fruit loops!

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Kinda new to GV IP cams and I was wondering, what is the difference between GV-NVR (using the LPR feature that comes with this software), compared to the full blown version of GV-LPR? Is GV-LPR the older version that was integrated into GV-NVR or something?


Do most nicer IP cams (1280x1024 rez or greater) come with free LPR in the GV-NVR software?


Is the GV-LPR software just a more robust version? (Saw somewhere that said it could monitor 4 to 8 lanes of traffic)


How about price. Did I read that right, on one website it seemed that GV-LPR was $800 per license, but GV-NVR is only $99 for non-geo IP cams.


Can someone clarify? thanks


Note: There will be no fruit loops. Sorry about that.


Also, here is a photo of my new yak. I just purchased him recently:



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There is no free GV-LPR in GV-NVR, You have to buy licence.


And no, there is no free cam with that licence, you have to buy you own cameras.

Geo recommend they own analogue cameras, but we use IQeye IQ752, and there is no problem with them.


Also, if you want to connect LPR to recorded video from GV-NVR you have to buy licence WITH videocard for analogue cameras - stupid but necessary.

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That's one fine looking yak. Since you are in D.C., is the yak an elected official in federal government? I've seen a lot of poop come from the hill and just wanted to know if it was yak poop or not.

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That's one fine looking yak.

Thank you. I take great pride in grooming my yak and he works out daily.



Since you are in D.C., is the yak an elected official in federal government?


At this time, there are no plans to have this yak run for any elected government positions, however, I will not rule it out completely. We're keeping our options open.

Edited by Guest

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There is no free GV-LPR in GV-NVR, You have to buy licence.


Thanks for the response. That was confusing me because I'm looking on this website called apexcctv.com and it lists a Geovision camera. It's a 1.3 MP IP camera with a resolution of 1280x1024.


All of the Geovision camera's on that site mention that they come with free 32-CH NVR Software which I'm assuming is GV-NVR, latest version. In fact when you click on the link, it brings me to a GeoVision 32CH NVR Software explanation with a datasheet.


In the explanation of the GV-NVR software, it has bullet points of LPR (however, directly above that it says "It is a scalable, extensible platform that can be customized and seamlessly integrated with other security system applications, such as LPR."


So, I guess that makes sense, just mislead me at first because it lists the features of GV-NPR as being this:


1. POS/ ATM/ EAS for loss prevention

2. Access Control for building automation

3. License Plate Recognition system for law enforcement, entrance control and revenue collection

4. Megapixel IP devices for critical area and mobile object monitoring

5. Central Monitoring stations for high profile security areas in commercial, industrial and residential markets


Since I know #4 comes with GV-NPR, I figured the other bullet points did too. Should have known better I guess, but thanks for clearing that up.


Is around $800 ballpark for that license? (LPR for use with a GV-NPR IP Megapixel IP camera)


And no, there is no free cam with that licence, you have to buy you own cameras.


I may have worded that incorrectly. What I meant was, when you purchase a Geovision IP camera (the ones I'm looking at anyway), it says you get a free copy of GV-NVR to use on that 1 camera. Is that correct?





Also, if you want to connect LPR to recorded video from GV-NVR you have to buy licence WITH videocard for analogue cameras - stupid but necessary.


That does seem stupid, but coming from Geovision, I'm not surprised. (I've had to deal with Geovisions ridiculously stupid and horribly implimented anti-piracy prevention schemes for the past 10 years with their older model DVR cards.)


My new setup would be pure IP cameras only. However, if the license really is ~$800 for LPR, I won't be adding LPR at all unfortunately.


That's realy too bad it's so expensive, because these new high def IP cameras offer such high resolutions that they practically scream LPR. I guess the LPR code must be more sophisticated and harder to impliment than I thought. Maybe some day it will come down in price, I hope.


Rory, you've coded a bunch of apps with Geovision routines\sdk's or done something similar with your free apps (if I remember correctly, some of your free apps were better than GV's stuff), is it that difficult to impliment LPR in a piece of code or does it seem overpriced?

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I may have worded that incorrectly. What I meant was, when you purchase a Geovision IP camera (the ones I'm looking at anyway), it says you get a free copy of GV-NVR to use on that 1 camera. Is that correct?


Yes if you are using GV Ipcameras on a GV DVR and or NVR solution the license is free. Basically it allows you to add the camera because it is a GV camera. If it's a non GV IP camera it requires a license be purchased.


We found it cheaper to buy non Geo cameras and buy the Geo IP license.

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I'm betting those Geo 1.3 MP cameras won't see a single tag at night.


Your probably right. I've been looking at all the Geovision camera's and notice they have big holes in their line-up, especially when it comes to PTX megapixel camera's with a 10x+ zoom. I started looking at 2.1MP because of the higher resolution, but may end up going the other direction too.


So, it's my understanding, if I don't want to purchase a Geovision cam, I can buy a third party IP cam and pay $100 for the GV-NVR licenese and thats all I need, is that correct?


Are Geovision camera's not very good, or overpriced for what you get?

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I'm betting those Geo 1.3 MP cameras won't see a single tag at night.


HA! And You would loose that bet Geo cameras are "not bad" for that price. They are little bit buggy and break a lot (like 10-15% failure rate), but they give You not bad image @ fair price and rly good software.


Here you got some photos from BX110 (cheapest Geo box camera):



And here is videosample from BX120 - in my opinion best GeoVision camera:



And here is closed in box, 0.3lux, 1/50 shutter (youtube dosnt work for me today, I will upload it later):


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They are little bit buggy and break a lot (like 10-15% failure rate), but they give You not bad image @ fair price and rly good software.


Wow. That is a high failure rate for Geovision cams.


What is the failure rate for Panasonic?

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They are little bit buggy and break a lot (like 10-15% failure rate), but they give You not bad image @ fair price and rly good software.


Wow. That is a high failure rate for Geovision cams.


What is the failure rate for Panasonic?


Yes, it is high, not for all cams (for example BX120 7% failure rate) but still its not ACTi (like 0,9% and 3y warranty). I don't know failure rate for Panasonic, we don't sell those.


And finaly i uploaded that BX120D video:



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