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IR Illuminator for the Panasonic WV-SC385 PTZ

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I recently purchased the Panasonic WV-SC385 PTZ for my home setup. I'm looking for a nice IR illuminator to go with it. It would be used in a back yard that has no light at all (pitch black). Prefer it to be semi-covert (minimal red glow - I forget which wavelength that is, looking it up now). Not sure if it matters, but the SC385 would be indoors and the illuminator would be outdoors. The glass in the window is not tinted.


I remember reading about the UF500 back in the day but I'm wondering what today's options look like.


The area to be covered is rather large, but not too large. About 60 feet x 50 feet, give or take. Maybe up to 75 x 60 feet at the high end. The target would be wildlife but it would be nice to be able to identify prowlers as well.


Also, I've been happy ordering from BHPhoto in the past. I really like their service. I notice they have a nice little selection of IR Illuminators. Would I be limiting myself greatly if I only wanted to purchase one from them, or is their selection more than adequate? They have about 73 total.


The price range I am shooting for is in the $400 to $500 range. Preferably less, but I would be willing to hit $500.


One of the ones I'm looking at is about $500. It's the Axis T90A21. Lists a 92' range. Is this close to what some people here would recommend?


Back in the day I remember VideoAlarm (Extreme CCTV) had the UF500 and it was amazing but always out of my price range. Anyone still use monsters like those? I know Rory probably still does. Rory, what''s your favorite illuminator at the moment? Is it the Bosch EX26? Curious. I know you have a lot of experience with high-powered IR.

Edited by Guest

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