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Milestone smart client over internet

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I have installed 3 different milestone essential, on 3 different places. There a forth place the system is administated from.

All cameras are 1080p.


When using the smart client locally everything works great, but when using it over internet it seems like smart client don't use the bandwith it needs for playing video smooth. It skips frames and won't play smooth. At first i thought this was a bandwith problem, too slow up line.

Two of the milestone's have 4mbp/s upload, but when i tested on last milestone with 50mbp/s out and i tested it on a place with 30mbp/s in i started checking more.


What i found out was when using a vu meter to check download. it did not use bandwith at all and it was jumping up and down. every time bandwith went down picture freezed on the playback.


Why won't it play smooth over internet, is this a bug. Someone who use milestone over internet. Over mobile works good.

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Try changing the resolution in the Smart Client setup tab from "Full" to "Super High", or "High" on each of the cameras (you can change one, and then scroll down to "apply to all" to copy this setting to all cameras).

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Allready done that in 4 splitt, it help's becouse it only show camera in 640x480, but even then it's not going smooth. In use in full picture the super high option will be 2 bad quality.

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