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AVtech EagleEyes (iOS) lags behind and has low FPS

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I have a strange issue with the EagleEyes app for the iPhone and iPad. Let me explain the setup:


The local network contains 2 Apple Airport Extreme routers. One on the ground floor (#1) and one on the second floor (#2). These routers are linked (via ethernet cable) to create one (WIFI) network.


There is a AVtech AVN244 PTZ IP camera located on the second floor (outside) which is connected via a ethernet cable to router #2.


Then there is a AVtech AVC796 8 CH DVR (with currently 2 CNB VBM-24VF cameras) which is located on the ground floor and is connected to router #1.


When viewing the IP cam and the DVR on a computer (connected to router #2 via ethernet) with the AVtech video viewer or via the web interface everything works great, FPS is around 25-30. And the feeds are realtime.


But here comes the EagleEyes part. When using the app on a iPhone (4) connected to the local WIFI the following problems occur:

The AVN244 feed starts to lag behind when using the PTZ functions. The feed is realtime untill the first PTZ command. From that point on it starts to lag behind more, second by second untill it's far from realtime..

This also happens when I turn the iphone to landscape mode (without even using PTZ or anything).


The DVR feed on the iPhone is never realtime. It's always lagging behind more and more (5-30 seconds) and the framerate is about 5-6 fps when viewing a single channel.


The weird thing is: the PTZ camera feed does not lag behind when using the EagleEyes app on the iPad (1)! Unfortunately the DVR feed has the same issues as when viewing via the iPhone.


To sum up:

iPhone: using PTZ or landscape-mode = lagging feed for IP cam. DVR feed is always lagging behind and low FPS.

iPad: PTZ IP cam works fine. DVR feed is always lagging behind and low FPS.


Because of the 'landscape mode' issue I think the problem is inside the EagleEyes application and not so much the local network or dvr/ipcam. Also because when the iPhone is lagging behind and I give a PTZ command I can see the camera moving on the PC feed instantly. So the commands are executed realtime, it's just the feed that's displayed with a delay on the iPhone.


I've made a video showing the issue using a iPad and a iPhone:



I've contacted AVtech several times but the only (laughable) reply I got was "it could be your mobile 3G network or your internet connection"....

As you read above, it has nothing to do with internet since everything is done local..


Is there anyone with the same issues? Or maybe someone with some tips?

Thanks in advance!


PS. if there is no solution I'll just dropkick every bit of AVtech hardware out on the street

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I guess nobody has this issue or nobody is using AVtech hardware / the EagleEyes software


Maybe someone knows about any other iOS apps that (could) work with the AVN244 and the AVtech DVR?



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I've contacted AVtech several times but the only (laughable) reply I got was "it could be your mobile 3G network or your internet connection"....



I guess nobody has this issue or nobody is using AVtech hardware / the EagleEyes software




hi. if it was the eagleeyes software you would see lots of posts on here about it.



so you need to look at your network (as tech support says) can you not connect both DVRs to the same router. (dont bridge it) and see what you get. do you have wifi switched off on your second router ??

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Thanks for your reply Tom!


Tech support stated it could be my 'internet connection'. But I'm not using it over the internet


But I did try the setup with other routers. I've connected the DVR directly to a Linksys router: the same problems occured.

I've also tried it with a Sitecom router but no luck.

The routers where set up to test the issues so they were not connected to anything else. Just the wifi enabled router with the DVR connected via a ethernet cable.


But how can it be my network? Look at the iPhone issue when using the AVN244 IP cam: the feed is realtime untill I rotate my iPhone into landscape mode. From that point on the feed starts lagging... That can't be network related right? Also because this doesn't happen on the iPad.

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Is anybody using the avtech eagleeyes app with a dvr or a ip camera? If so, how's the performance and what kind of setup are you using?



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