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Suggestions for 2-story install

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Hi everyone!

I'm looking for some help. I live alone and recently found that someone has been in my house. I have an idea who it might be. They didn't take anything, that I have found.. but it looks like they just hung out at the house. Smoked cigarettes (which I don't do), drank some gatorade (which I don't drink or keep in the house), moved some stuff around and had lunch at my table. I know it sounds wierd. Imagine how I felt when I got home. I have three large Mastiffs and the only way they would allow someone in the house would be if they know them. I currently have a security system in place but I have a dog door that a person can crawl through. That is why I am sure it is someone I know because a total stranger wouldn't have the balls to come through a door with 3 (200lb) dogs staring at him. I know they didn't come through a door or window cause my alarm had not gone off (and no one knows the code but me.. I just changed it recently, when issues about this person came to light).


With that said, I want to add cameras in the house and outside. I just want a couple of cameras, nothing fancy. I called the place that installed my system (when the house was built) and they want to charge me $2000 dollars! My BF could easily do it if I had a 1-story but we cannot figure out the best way to do it since I have a 2-story.


I would like to hide the wires, which is the one thing I don't like about the wireless cameras.. because I have to plug them into a wall socket which I don't like. I don't have carpet downstairs, I have wood laminate flooring throughout the downstairs. The room I would like to put the cameras in has another living room directly above it and no crawlspace. The upstairs is completely carpeted (if that makes a difference for running wiring? I don't know).


We came across this issue when I wanted surround sound, too. I thought if I could figure out one, I could get both done at the same time. Its very frustrating. I live in the Dallas, TX area if you know anyone that does these types of installs at a reasonable price.. or if you have any suggestions on how we could do this, I'd appreciate it.


Thanks in advance!


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What about running the lines through the ceiling and up in to the wall of the 2nd story? It might take a little hole being knocked out of the sheet rock to see where would be the best way to go up unless you have the blue prints of your house.

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