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Hello from Florida

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Hi Everyone,


I've been lurking for a couple of weeks and finally decided to create an account and start participating. I had the idea of putting in a security camera system in my home for a couple of years. Then last week it all changed...


I watched as a co-worker watched a guy try to break into his home live on his camera system (IP Cameras). So now designing and installing a system is my top priority. The one thing that stopped the guy in his tracks was when he saw the camera pointed at him.


I look forward to learning from everyone. I'll apologize in advanced for asking simple questions. I'm a IT Systems Engineer by trade so quite a bit of this stuff is familiar to me already.



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Welcome. Always nice to see another Floridian here.


With your background this shouldn't be too difficult to learn. In my opinion the hard part is choosing the right equipment for the job. Just like there's no "one size fits all" in networking there's no "one size fits all" in video surveillance. Just learn about the different features available in today's cctv offerings & decide what's important to you.

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Welcome. Always nice to see another Floridian here.


With your background this shouldn't be too difficult to learn. In my opinion the hard part is choosing the right equipment for the job. Just like there's no "one size fits all" in networking there's no "one size fits all" in video surveillance. Just learn about the different features available in today's cctv offerings & decide what's important to you.


Hi Grovvyman,


Yeah so far it has been difficult to choose the DVR and I haven't even started on the cameras yet. All of that is secondary to getting up in the hot attic to run CAT5 cable. I'm really not looking forward to that!

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