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IP security camera setup decisions...

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I have finally (after years of thinking about it) decided to install a few residential security cameras in (and around) my home (and as is probably too common, I am a few months late given that fact my home was burglarized earlier this year).


My desire to have top of the line equipment is trumped by my ability to afford mid-range gear. So I am piecing things together slowly (read: adding things each month after the bills are paid) and I am at an impasse on the next step to take so I am looking to you (the forum members) to help me make a few choices.


What I want: A system of IP cameras with PoE with a dedicated NVR (proprietary or PC) with remote viewing.


What I have: Cisco 8 port router with PoE (4 ports), 1 Axis M1054 camera, old PC with Windows Vista running Axis Camera Station (free 1 camera version).


Everything is currently up and running, albeit very disorganized (I have not completed the in-wall CAT5 cabling, so the PC is sitting in the middle of the floor, the camera is just sitting on a desk, BUT, it all works  )

My dilemma: buy a standalone NVR or build a PC-based NVR. I first liked the look of the ACTi GNR-2000 stand alone NVR, but then I started thinking I could just build a mini-ITX PC that would likely have better hardware. While I couldn’t find specific hardware in the ACTi, but my current idea of a PC build would be an Intel mini-ITX, Intel i5, 16GB of RAM, SSD HDD for the OS, 2 SATA 6.0 HDD in raid 1, all in a small mini-ITX case (the PC I am currently using is a LARGE case, so I would want to build a new one, even if the current one is functional). One question, would Windows XP or Windows 7 be better for this application? I understand that with XP I would have to scale back to 4GB of RAM. Then there is the issue of the NVR software. My head hurts from reading about all the different choices. I will most likely have 4 cameras very soon, and possibly up to 8, just because it’s like an addiction. Also, I will probably stick with Axis cameras; not that I have brand loyalty toward Axis nor any dislike towards any other brand. So I was thinking that since I am using the Axis Camera Station VMS (Video Management Software) I may just purchase a license to have more cameras as I get them. But then I saw the Razberi RAZ-M4 and RAZ-M6. There isn’t a lot of information about them, but I like the idea of having the NVR, PoE, and VMS all in one neat little box. The price is probably a little steep (like I said, very little information about it), and/or it might be one of those cases where individual components are better than an attempt at an “all-in-one”. But I still like the idea behind it.


So, I do have some time to decide, and I would like to hear feedback from everyone(and I will be scouring the forum and the whole internet researching) so that I can make an informed decision and get a quality product that yield good results.


I apologize for the length of the post, and I realize few will read it in its entirety and even fewer will respond, but those that do I trust will have a sincere response.



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If you stick with one brand, most (not Axis) provide the software for free. For example, I use ACTi software which is very efficient, it's free and you can run it all on an Atom Nettop, I did for a while. I switched to an i3, overkill for 6 1.3 megapixel cameras but I got it cheap when an NVR company went out of business. I did some NVR software reviews on my blog, but the most efficient NVR software I used is ExacqVision. If you ran something like Milestone XProtect, it may need an i5. Not sure about Axis software.


The M1054 is an OK camera, not something I would get because of the poor low light performance, white LED for light. Indoors I use cameras with built in non-visible IR light. I started off as you did but when the lights go out at night indoors, the M1054 will show black until the LED light goes on and adjusts, so pre-event frames will be useless. For example, say you hear a noise and want to check your cameras, what do you do, turn on the LED manually and blind the person? Can you even do that from the NVR? Even with the LED on, it's still not the best image. The problem is the small cheap glued on lens. The M1114, same sensor but good lens makes a huge difference, again, not what I would recomend for indoor home use because the M1054 or M1114 will not work with IR light.


Axis recently started making indoor/outdoor domes with built in IR light. I'm going to try and do a review on one soon. But what's you budget for each indoor and outdoor cameras?

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I understand the M1054 isn't top of the line, and it's not the camera that will be in the final instalation, but the one that I have right now serves its purpose; to allow me to monitor the interior of my home during the day while I am at work (at least one room). And the included Axis software allows me to record triggered events should someone be walking around in there, as well as send me a text messge with photos. Light isn't an issue (yet) with what I need, if someone is in my house at night, I probably don't want any photographic evidence of what happens next. :P But yes, in the end there will be much better cameras (likely domes). As for budget, I don't have one. That doesn't mean it's unlimited, it just means I am open to paying for what I get. I am not expecting a 10MP, 50x zoom PTZ for $200. Nor would i be willing to pay $5000 for one since I don't need one. But if I saw one for $1000 hey, why not, right? (FYI, I was just tossing $$ figures out, I have no idea what a camera with those specs would run) I am figuring around $600 per camera for a balance between what I want and what I need. Things like outdoor, vandal proof, etc. might add a few more $. But I have to make sure I'm not spending more in protection than what I am protecting. LOL Yes, I understand that cameras aren't the best protection, and often they aren't helpful in identifying intruders, but it's a fun project! And it's fun to show people that you can view your house while away. I would say that I could make some $$ as a side job installing these for family and friends, but they wouldn't spend the same $$ that I would. They would want the Costco bundle that I know from experience, installing them for a few people, are, well, they, um, the people were expecting much more than what they got. But hey, I tried to tell them.

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I sort of have that $400-600 price range in mind when I get cameras and the good news is the cameras in that price range are pretty good. I have the M1054's little brother, the M1031-W and it stands guard at our vacation home, not so much for video, but to alert me if someone enters the home. I used to have it at home but have replaced it with ACTi for one reason, the built in IR illuminators as in homes, you can't really have ligths on all over the place for cameras and you can't have a bright white LED on in the middle of the night.


Indoors I use ACTi 3511, 1.3MP, varifocal lens, day/night filter and IR LEDs that will light up from one end of the house to the other in total darkness. I like domes because they can't be knocked over while dusting or bumping into furniture and they are so ubiquitous that people don't notice them. Also, it's hard to tell where they are pointed at quick glance which throws the intruder off. The cheaper model, the ACM-3511 runs $400ish, the TCM-3511 runs $500ish but I find them on eBay cheap now and then (just got a brand new one for $202). So imagine that you love Axis, and who doesn't, but the P33 equivalent dome may be a grand, not saying it's not worth it, but it's easier to justify the lower amount. Another good brand in this price range is Brickcom. They make a M1054 like camera, but still, I would go with a dome with IR leds.


Is it worth what I'm protecting, heck yes, me and the wife. I can check the perimeter and inside my house in total darkness from my bedroom on a 50" TV while my wife chambers a round in the 12 gauge. It's like having night vision googles, you see everything, very cool. Video is easy enough to erase if you don't like what was recorded Alarm company called me today to sell me an alarm, I said why would I want to alert police so soon, where's the sport in that?

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Is it worth what I'm protecting, heck yes, me and the wife. I can check the perimeter and inside my house in total darkness from my bedroom on a 50" TV while my wife chambers a round in the 12 gauge. It's like having night vision googles, you see everything, very cool. Video is easy enough to erase if you don't like what was recorded Alarm company called me today to sell me an alarm, I said why would I want to alert police so soon, where's the sport in that?




BTW, which new Axis models are coming out with built in IR illuminators?

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My bad, it looked like the newer models had this but it was just indentations around the rim of the lens. They claim very good low light performance with their LightFinder feature but only 720P.

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Thanks for the links. I thought recalled reading something about new IR models, but didn't see the press releases on the Axis site.

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My confusion is that the press release and their spec sheets are not the same and the spec sheet did not say this so I couldn't confirm, but the press release I read said it did. Sorry for the confusion. I'll get one soon and review it. I have a conference to attend next week but try to get to it the week after.

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